Planning Minutes – Tuesday 31st July 2012

Planning Minutes – Tuesday 31st July 2012

Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Ascot Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill on
Tuesday 31 July 2012 commencing at 7.00pm.

Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), C Lester (Vice-Chairman), M Duffield, R Ellison, J Yong

In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council and Peter Standley (SPAE)

Councillors Peter Deason, David Hilton and Daniel Whittall.

The minutes of the meeting, held on 10 July, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.

The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. None were given.


Application No.
Location and Description
12/01715 (Works to Trees Covered by TPO) West Burnside, Burleigh Road, Ascot, SL5 7LE
Reduce up to 4 lateral branches of a tree by no more than 3m to allow clearance for a satellite dish signal
Recommendation: Objections.  The committee considered that there were no arboricultural reasons and this application should be rejected. Should the proposed Burnside development be approved it would seriously affect the amenity of immediate neighbours in Blythwood as their screening would be reduced.
12/01759 (Full) 85 Victoria Road, Ascot, SL5 9DR
Two storey part first floor rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01880 (Full) Silverwood, Whynstones Road, Ascot, SL5 9HW
Construction of detached dwelling with integral double garage and rooms in the roof space, following demolition of existing.
Recommendation: No Objections, provided that the Borough’s Tree Officer ensured that the root protection zone of the trees would not be adversely affected as the proposal would result in a larger footprint.
12/01888 (Full) Wetherby and Queenswood, Burleigh Lane, Ascot
Construction of two detached houses with garages following demolition of existing dwellings
Recommendation: No Objections, provided that the conditions attached to the previous application, 11/02241, still applied.
12/01961 (Full) Derryville, Burleigh Lane, Ascot, SL5 8PF
Construction of a detached dwelling with integral triple garage with accommodation over, following demolition of existing
Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered the proposed dwelling to be excessive in bulk and scale.  Thus it would be damaging to the street scene and intrusive. As the proposal was a re-submission which moved the dwelling further toward a known badger set, the committee considered it essential that a report be obtained from the Borough’s retained ecological consultant.   If the Borough were minded to approve the application, the committee requested that it be called in to the Rural Development Control Panel.  
12/01965 (Full) Wine Rack, 55 High Street, Ascot, SL5 7HP
Change of use from Wine shop (A1) to Wine/ Cocktail bar (A4), including new shop front
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01972 (Full) CBS Business Equipment Limited, CBS Court, 118 Kennel Ride, Ascot, SL5 7NP
Conversion of existing offices to provide 4 x 2 bed maisonettes and 4 x 1 bed flats; works to include alterations, partial demolition of single storey extension, two storey extension and associated landscaping and parking
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01984 (Full) 22-24 Cromwell Road, Ascot
Construction of a one detached house with integral garage and a pair of semi-detached dwellings with associated off road parking, access and landscaping following demolition of existing dwellings
Recommendation: No Objections, although the committee requested that a demolition and construction statement be provided due to the nature of the road.
12/02000 (Full) 32 Llanvair Drive, Ascot, SL5 9HT
Alterations and extensions to include two storey side and single storey front side and rear extensions, raising of roof to provide loft accommodation with rear dormers and a side chimney
Recommendation: Concerns were expressed that the raising of the roof height by 1metre would affect the roof alignment of adjacent properties and therefore the symmetry of the street scene.  The committee requested that if the Borough were minded to approve the application, a condition be imposed that ensured the roof tiles harmonised with the adjacent properties in colour and material.
12/02002 (Works to Trees Covered by TPO) Helford House, Hancocks Mount, Ascot, SL5 9PQ
T1 Sycamore, crown reduce by 10-15% and up to 1.5m to balance crown
Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer, provided sound arboricultural reasons were given.
12/02010 (Full)


Four Seasons, Bagshot Road, Ascot, SL5 9JL
Construction of two detached dwellings, both with detached double garages, following demolition of existing
Recommendation: Objections.  The committee considered that the reasons for refusal at appeal of the previous application, 01/08354, still applied, particularly as the proposal was for higher houses which would be more intrusive.  The proposal was considered to be harmful to the street scene, neighbourhood amenity and would create a terracing affect.  Therefore it would be contrary to the Townscape Assessment which defined the area as one of ‘villas in a woodland setting’. 
12/02014 (Full) 131 New Road, Ascot, SL5 8QA
Single storey side and rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections.

11/01807 West Burnside and Burnside, Burleigh Road, Ascot
Construction of seven detached dwellings and a new access road.

The Planning Inspectorate has informed us that a date and venue has been confirmed for the appeal.  The Hearing will take place at 10.00am on 18 September at Desborough Suite, Town Hall, Maidenhead.


No matters were received.


Week ending 6 July

Application Number: 12/00514

Type: Full

Proposal: New 400m all-weather athletics track and hockey pitch with artificial lighting, fencing, and

ancillary store and a control hut; artificial lighting for existing hockey pitch; and photovoltaic

panels on the roof of the existing sports centre.

Location: St Marys School St Marys Road Ascot SL5 9JF

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/00541

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of 4 terraced dwellings, with associated landscaping and parking, following

demolition of existing commercial buildings

Location: Prospect House Queens Road Ascot

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/01133

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: T1 Oak: prune to give 2m clearance to the garage, removing branches with a basal branch

diameter of 5cm or less; crown thin the regrowth from the points of last branch reduction by up

to a maximum of 15%

Location: 24 Lower Village Road Ascot SL5 7AU

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer


Application Number: 12/01233

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of 2 detached houses following demolition of existing bungalow

Location: Cedar Lodge Bagshot Road Ascot SL5 9JL

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/01265

Type: Variation

Proposal: Redevelopment of site to provide 14 dwellings, formation of vehicle access points and

associated works as approved under planning permission 11/01432/FULL without complying

with condition 15 so that it reads ‘no part of the development shall be commenced until visibility

splays of 2.4 metres (m) by 43 m have been provided at the cul-de-sac junction with Kennel

Ride as measured at the centreline of the new access and the carriageway from their point of

intersection; the other accesses onto New Road and Kennel Ride (individual driveways to plots

1-6 and plots 10-12) to provide pedestrian visibility splays of 2.4 m by 2.4 m as measured along

the edge of the driveway and the back of footway if such a footway exists or carriageway if no

such footway exists from their point of intersection. The areas within these splays shall be kept

free from all obstructions to visibility over a height of 0.6 m above carriageway level

Location: Abba Warehouse Ltd Gibbs House 68 Kennel Ride Ascot SL5 7NT

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/01293

Type: Advertisement

Proposal: Consent to display an non illuminated notice board

Location: Budgens Stores Ltd 3 The Hermitage High Street Ascot SL5 7HD

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/01336

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing outhouse. Fitting an enlarged front window.

Location: 73 Bouldish Farm Road Ascot SL5 9EW

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/01384

Type: Full

Proposal: Installation of 2 front and rear dormers and 2 roof lights to facilitate a loft conversion

Location: 22 Woodlands Ride Ascot SL5 9HN

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/01463

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 2 (demolition and construction management plan) of planning

permission 11/01432 for redevelopment of site to provide 14 dwellings, formation of vehicle

access points and associated works

Location: Abba Warehouse Ltd Gibbs House 68 Kennel Ride Ascot SL5 7NT

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish Recommendation Required.


Application Number: 12/01474

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension

Location: 3 New Road Ascot SL5 8QB

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/01475

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey front/side extension

Location: Evergreens The Avenue Ascot SL5 7LY

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections

Application Number: 12/01789

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 3 (i – archaeological report) and 3 (ii – excavation statement) of

planning permission 12/00515 for refurbishment and ground and first floor extensions to provide

new kitchen and dining facilities. Refurbishment and two storey, part single storey extension to

former concert hall to form a two storey library and new terrace. Temporary kitchen/dining and

classroom facilities whilst works are completed.

Location: St Marys School St Marys Road Ascot SL5 9JF

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish Recommendation Required.


Application Number: 12/01803

Type: Non-material Amendment

Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning permission 12/00965 to revise the internal layout and

window arrangement

Location: C B S Business Equipment Ltd CBS Court 118 Kennel Ride Ascot SL5 7NP

Decision: Refuse

No Parish Recommendation Required.


Application Number: 12/01804

Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev

Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether the proposed erection of an enclosure in the

rear garden is lawful

Location: Chartwood 8 Hancocks Mount Ascot SL5 9PQ

Decision: Permitted Development

No Parish Recommendation Required.


Week ending 13 July


Application Number: 12/01292

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey rear extension to provide additional veterinary accommodation Renewal of

planning permission 09/01335/FULL

Location: Sunninghill Veterinary Centre 27 High Street Sunninghill Ascot SL5 9NG

Applicant: Ms J Headley – Sunninghill Veterinary Centre c/o Agent: Mr Christopher Arden – Christopher

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/01433

Type: Outline

Proposal: Outline application for the construction of a detached house

Location: Land At 53 And 53 Cheapside Road Ascot

Decision: Application Withdrawn

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/01466

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: Fell a Sweet Chestnut (T1)

Location: The Laurels 9 Holmes Close Ascot SL5 9TJ

Decision: Refuse

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/01504

Type: Full

Proposal: Extension to rear of Bar One and first floor extension to Club One

Location: Bar One High Street Ascot SL5 7JF

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections

Application Number: 12/01560

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey rear extension

Location: 10 Exchange Road Ascot SL5 7AW

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/01627

Type: Non-material Amendment

Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning permission 11/03075/FULL to alter rear and side

elevations to include addition of windows, recessed panels, new side access and velux


Location: Land At Windrush Hancocks Mount Ascot

Decision: Refuse

No Parish Recommendation Required


Week ending20 July


Application Number: 12/01441

Type: Full

Proposal: 2 x 4 bed dwellings with associated landscaping and car parking

Location: Halstead House Upper Village Road Ascot SL5 7AG

Decision: Refuse

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/01462

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey side and rear extension and alterations

Location: 10 Spring Gardens Ascot SL5 9DQ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/01484

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of a detached house with basement and roof accommodation, a detached garage

with accommodation above, and new access onto Heathfield Avenue.

Location: Land At Grangewood And Maple House Larch Avenue Ascot

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application No.: 12/01535

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by conditions 2 (samples of materials), 3 (habitat survey), 4 (sustainability

measures), 5 (landscaping) and 6 (ageing population) of planning permission 11/03075

Construction of a detached house and detached triple garage

Location: Land At Windrush Hancocks Mount Ascot

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 12/01595

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey side extension, following removal of existing garage

Location: Avalon Coronation Road Ascot SL5 9LP

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/01938

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 1 (front boundary treatment) of planning permission 12/00215 for

reserved Matters (all matters) application pursuant to outline planning permission 11/03101 for

the construction of two detached houses with parking and access, following demolition of

existing dwelling

Location: The White House Winkfield Road Ascot SL5 7LP

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish Recommendation Required


 Discharges of Condition:

 12/01919              Westbrook House, Windsor Road, Ascot, SL5 7LF

Details required by condition 2 (SANG) of planning permission 12/00115 Construction of a block of 14 apartments with basement parking following demolition of existing dwelling


12/02008              Betula St Marys Road Ascot SL5 9AX

Proposal: Details required by condition 2 (sample of materials) 5 (tree protection plan) 6 (hard

and soft landscaping) 7 (new utility runs) 8 (sustainable urban drainage) and 11

(refuse, recycling and composting) of planning permission 12/01118 for the

construction of a detached house and garage following demolition of existing


Non-material Amendment:



Proposal: Non material amendment to planning permission 11/01857 to add a door and block a

window up on the East elevation.

Location: Elmbank Cottage Cheapside Road Ascot SL5 7QH


A general discussion regarding the viability and diversity of the retail outlets within Ascot high Street followed the committee meeting.


There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.50pm.



Councillor Barbara Hilton