Council Members
Image of Councillor Lydia Davison

07812 054815

Cllr Lydia Davison West

Vice Chair of Leisure & Cultural Committee

Relatively new to the Parish having moved to South Ascot in 2019 with my husband and son. We love the area for the woods and byways and village feel of Sunninghill. I am supportive of any endeavours that strive to keep and improve local services and the environment for all. I am particularly passionate about facilities for families, more so since the shared experience of lockdown in 2020. Professionally I’ve been working in the telecoms sector for the last 15 years. I hold a BA hons in Philosophy from University College London and an MA in Publishing.

Address: 18 Llanvair Drive SL5 9HT

Ward: Sunninghill & South Ascot

Committees: Leisure & Cultural (Vice-Chair), Finance & Personnel

Working Groups: PROW, Victory Field Rejuvenation,  South Ascot Recreation Ground, Parish Plan and CIL

Other Bodies/Appointments:  Neighbourhood Action Group

Member's Register of Interests

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