Council Members
Picture of Councillor Allison Sharpe

01344 625109

Cllr Mrs Allison Sharpe

Chairman of the Parish Council and Finance & Personnel Committee

Born and raised in the Parish, my interest in community life led me to join the Parish Council. I represent the Ward of Sunninghill and South Ascot and am currently Chairman of the Parish Council. I find the most refreshing aspect of this volunteer role is that it is completely non-political. I take an active role in organising the Sunninghill Victorian Street Fayre and Party in the Park at Victory Field. These have a focus on entertainment for families and the Street Fayre improves the economic vibrancy of Sunninghill. As I wish our villages to retain their character, I am pleased that the Parish Council has commissioned students at Imperial College to survey our green corridors in support of the Neighbourhood Plan, which assists the Parish Council in advising RBWM planners. Keen that the area doesn’t lose touch with its past, I led the idea of placing “There But Not There” Tommy figures around the village and at the Parish churches. Our villages have a bright future, with the Parish Council at their heart, listening to residents ideas, priorities and concerns. We work directly to deliver what residents want or promote their wishes to the Borough Council and other authorities. I find my role interesting, challenging and rewarding. In addition to chairing Council meetings, I lead the Annual Assembly and connect with local businesses, good causes and community interests.

Address: Merrybrook, 4 Highclere, Sunninghill, SL5 OAA

Ward: Sunninghill and South Ascot Ward

Committees: Chairman of the Parish Council and Finance & Personnel Committee.  Member of Planning Committee, Leisure & Cultural Committee

Working Groups: CIL, Victory Field Rejuvenation, South Ascot Recreation Ground, Parish Plan and Ascot Rejuvenation

Other Bodies/Appointments:  Parish Conference


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