Council Minutes – Tuesday 10 January 2012

Council Minutes – Tuesday 10 January 2012

Minutes of a meeting of Sunninghill & Ascot Parish Council held at the Ascot Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill, Ascot on Tuesday 10 January 2012 at 7pm.

Members present: Councillors J Yong (Chairman), B Hilton (Vice-Chairman), P Deason, M Duffield, R Ellison, D Hilton, S Jones, C Lester, A Nehra, L Roberts, B Story, M Turton.

In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council

Councillors Spike Humphrey, Allison Sharpe and Daniel Whittall.

The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct.
None were received.

The Minutes of the Council Meeting, held on 6 December 2011, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.

The Chairman made no formal announcements.

The meeting was not adjourned for a maximum of 15 minutes to allow members of the public, if present, to address the Council about matters of local concern, as no members of the public were present.

The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 3 January were presented by Councillor Barbara Hilton.

The report on the accounts for Month 8 were considered and no significant matters raised.

It was approved that the Bank of Ireland Number 2 Account (Blythewood Maintenance) be closed and the remaining balance transferred to the Lloyds TSB Blythewood Maintenance Account.

3476  THE PRECEPT FOR 2012/13
It was resolved that the precept for the financial year 2012/13 be set at £149 565, as approved by the Council meeting of 6 December 2011.

The possible revision of the Parish Logo was considered, based upon a proposed design which had been previously circulated to all Parish Councillors.  The Chairman thanked Councillor Luke Roberts for his assistance in obtaining the suggested logo and the Clerk explained that the marketing sub-committee had suggested that the logo be modernised as part of the Parish Council’s desire to increase its profile.   After discussion as to the font type, design and layout of the proposed logo, it was agreed that the new logo be approved in principle, subject to modification of the ‘horse’ image.

The transfer of £5 000 from the general reserve for the preparations for the Diamond Jubilee was approved.  Councillor Robert Ellison informed the meeting about ideas that had been suggested by the Diamond Jubilee Working Group.  These ranged from a picnic at South Ascot Recreation Ground, to a joint event with Ascot Locomotive Society and Ascot United, to the lighting of a Beacon at Victory Field.  Taking into account the practicalities, costs involved and limitations as to the use of the Racecourse car parks preceding the Royal Meeting, it was agreed that the Beacon at Victory Field be explored further.  The Clerk was asked to find out if this would clash with the planned event at Sunningdale Parish Council and to enquire if the local Scouts would like to be involved.

It was further agreed that the Parish Council would purchase a commemorative mug for all primary school children within the Parish and Councillor Ellison was asked to pursue this further.

The development of a five year Parish Plan was considered and it was agreed that such a plan should be linked to and informed by the proposed Neighbourhood Plan and Community Plans that may follow.  Therefore work on devising a Parish Plan would be put on hold until the Neighbourhood Plan had been drafted.

The Clerk reported on the replacement planting of four trees by the Borough at Vernon Drive, the Cemetery at St Michael’s Church and South Ascot Recreation Ground.  She also informed the meeting that the Borough’s Waste Management Team had asked to discuss contract management arrangements with the Parish Council. It was agreed that the Clerk and Members of the Finance and Personnel Committee would consider this further.  The Chairman asked Councillors Ajay Nehra and Robert Ellison to provide the Clerk with details of local waste contractors to inform this discussion.

The Clerk informed the meeting of progress with the Charity Commission regarding Victory Field, who have given provisional approval for the proposed scheme, subject to further documentation.  This would transfer the Title of the Land to the Parish Council in its role as Trustees of Victory Field.

Councillor Luke Roberts offered his resignation from the Parish Planning Committee due to work obligations, which was accepted.  He would continue to serve on the Leisure and Cultural Committee.

Councillor Barbara Story informed the committee about her first meeting as a Parish Council representative Trustee of the Cordes Hall Management Committee and explained the proposed changes discussed.  She was asked to convey on behalf of the Parish Council the need to respect the use of the Cordes Hall for community functions, and that any change of use did not jeopardise the income stream of the Cordes Hall.

Councillor David Hilton informed the committee that due to the resignation of a Trustee, that the Parish Council needed to re- appoint the Parish Council representative Trustee on the Ascot Fire Brigade Trust.  He asked that this be put as an item on the next Council meeting agenda and informed the committee that he would be seeking nomination from the Parish Council as its representative Trustee.  He also asked the committee’s opinion as to a Borough proposal for a 12 metre loading bay in front of the Tesco’s store on Ascot High Street.  The committee expressed concern that this would set a precedent that could add to congestion and requested that the original planning application’s obligations be adhered to.

Councillor Peter Deason asked the committee’s opinion on the need to remove the tree at the entrance to the car park at  Bowden Road in Sunninghill, so that the proposed changes to parking could be carried out.  Subject to the tree being replaced, no objections were raised.

Councillor Barbara Hilton informed the committee that the local Rotary Club would like to plant an acre of trees within the Parish to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee.  It was agreed that this be put an agenda item at the next Leisure Committee.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.20pm.

Councillor Jeffrey Yong, Chairman