Minutes of a meeting of the Leisure & Cultural Committee held at the Ascot District Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill, on Tuesday 23 April 2013, commencing at 7.00pm.
Members Present: Councillors R Ellison (Chairman), B Hilton, C Lester, J Naylor, A Nehra, S Jones.
In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council and Jane Shanahan, Assistant Parish Clerk.
Councillors Peter Deason, Spike Humphrey, Allison Sharpe, Michelle Turton, Jeffrey Yong.
The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. None were given.
The Minutes of the previous meeting, held on 12 March, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
The Clerk informed the committee that the second phase of tree works at Victory Field Recreation Ground had been completed, the benches and wooden structures within the Parish recreation areas painted and that grass cutting had begun as the main activity for the groundsman. The Parish pitch maintenance programme was approved, for a three year rolling programme, in accordance with the Parish Council’s work schedule. The Clerk also informed the committee that one of the Parish Council’s approved contractors had retired on the grounds of ill health. The Clerk was asked to consider the impact of this on the work of the groundsman and to find a suitable alternative.
Further to minute 5251, the Clerk had obtained three quotes for the removal of the remainder of the Cypress Lawson trees at the cemetery. It was agreed that the work be awarded to the contractor who had demonstrated best value, in terms of price, methodology and timescale. The Clerk was asked to action this. She suggested to the committee that the Parish Council’s financial regulations and tendering process be reviewed in the light of the scope of the projects wishing to be undertaken by the Parish Council and agreed to draft such procedures for consideration at the Annual Council meeting.
The Chairman opened up the meeting for a general discussion on the proposed Garden of Reflection, further to minute 5251. A variety of views were put forward regarding the Garden layout, hard landscaping and planting, based upon a draft specification and outline design which had been previously circulated to members. The Chairman asked for clarification as to the funding earmarked from the Parish Council’s reserves for the project. The Clerk confirmed this as £10 000. Thought was given to possible additional sources of fund-raising and dedication. The Parish Clerk agreed to pursue this. The garden design was agreed as outlined, with the addition of a raised central bed and surrounding brick wall. In addition, the committee agreed that the paving would be constructed out of faux ‘York stone’ flagstones and that four timber benches would be incorporated into the design. Considering the financial limitations of the project, it was agreed that the Parish Council would go out to tender for the hard landscaping as the first phase of the project. The Clerk was asked to action this, with a provisional Autumn start date, subject to further committee approval. It was agreed that tree and shrub planting would be considered as part of a second phase, with more detailed consideration given to this and the maintenance implications once the hard landscaping had been completed. The committee asked that any ground works, including the clearance or re-use of excess soil located behind the existing shelter, be included within the hard landscaping tender.
To Clerk informed the committee of a meeting held with a potential contractor and the skate park user group at the Victory Field Recreation Ground regarding the proposed extension to the skate area. Initial drawings had been obtained. However, the Clerk advised the committee of the need to confirm the funding source within the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead; as well as for the proposed re-surfacing of the Victory Field access road and car park. Councillor Barbara Hilton agreed to ask Councillor David Hilton to pursue this in his capacity as a Borough Councillor. The Clerk was asked to obtain two further design and build quotations for the skate area in accordance with the Parish Council’s financial regulations.
The Chairman informed the committee of a meting held with the Parish Council Chairman, Clerk and himself with a self employed fundraiser, regarding the Victory Field Pavilion project. The committee agreed to recommend to full Council the use of the fundraiser on a 2.5% commission rate. Councillor Christine Lester raised concerns about the cost, viability and on going maintenance of the proposed Pavilion, concerns which were re-iterated by Councillor Barbara Hilton. Councillor Ajay Nehra agreed to obtain an alternative quote for the construction of the proposed Pavilion and to provide information on alternative options, to include the refurbishment of the existing Pavilion building and a ‘single storey module build’. The Clerk agreed to meet with Councillor Nehra regarding this.
All members present had attended a pre-meeting regarding the Summer Party at Victory Field, the notes from which would be drafted by the Assistant Clerk for circulation. At this pre-meeting, the entertainment, food, logistics, publicity and site lay out had been discussed with the invited stall holders involved.
The Clerk informed the committee of Section 106 funding available to the Parish Council and agreed to compile a project list, based upon prior submission to the Borough, with suggested priorities and timescales, for further consideration.
The Clerk asked to meet with Councillor James Naylor regarding the Parish Council’s allotments, which he agreed to.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20pm.
Councillor Robert Ellison, Chairman