
Groundcare Work at Sunninghill Cemetery

This is advance notice that our ground care team will be working at Sunninghill Cemetery during the last week in October to tidy up the site.

We have received quite a few complaints in recent weeks and it has come to our attention that the grounds at the cemetery have become increasingly untidy with items that are not permitted under the Parish Council regulations for the area.  If you have any items of sentimental value that do not comply with the regulations, they should be removed prior to the week commencing 28 October.

Sunninghill Cemetery is in a very peaceful and rural setting.  Due to its tranquil atmosphere and the range of wildlife that is frequently seen there, we ask that anything placed on the graves be fully biodegradable, to respect the ecology of the area.

When a plot is purchased, every deed holder is given information detailing the conditions for memorials and a full list of all the T&Cs is clearly displayed on the notice board at the cemetery.

Deed holders are reminded that an area of 18 inches (45.72 cm) is available to plant out as a personal tribute.  Kerbstones, edgings and other means of enclosure around the grave site are not permitted to facilitate the maintenance of the grassed area.

A full list of our conditions for memorials on burial and ashes plots can be found below.

We appreciate your help to keep the cemetery a pleasant environment for people to visit.

Conditions for Memorials