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New Digital Notifications from Network Rail

Network have launched an innovative new email scheme to keep their lineside neighbours better informed about planned engineering and disruptive work within the local community.

As part of their ‘Digital Notification’ programme, where possible, neighbour notification letters will be replaced by emails. enabling them to get in touch more quickly and in a greener way.

For those who have signed up to the service, an email will be sent instead of a letter, containing all the information about railway work taking place near people’s homes.

The enables Network Rail’s  community relations team can keep residents updated about any changes during ongoing work, as well as letting them contact individuals who would be affected by short notice or emergency works, which in the past has always been a challenge.

This is a voluntary scheme and letters will continue to be sent to those residents without access to email so no one will lose out.

If you would like to sign up for these notifications, please go to  Network Rail Sign Up  or click on the QR code below.

QR Code for Network Rail Sign Up