Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Ascot Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill on
Tuesday 11 September 2012
Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), C Lester (Vice-Chairman), P Deason, M Duffield, R Ellison, D Hilton,
S Jones, B Story, J Yong
In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council and Peter Standley, SPEA
None were received.
The minutes of the meeting, held on 21 August, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct.
Councillor David Hilton stated that as a substitute on the Windsor Rural Development Control Panel any views given on applications are on the basis of information available to date and he would review the position when all the information was available at the meeting when the decision is made.
Application No. |
Location and Description
12/01732 (Amendment) |
Ascot Corner, Wells Lane, SL5 7DY
Construction of 12 flats, with basement parking and cycle store, detached refuse store, new entrance gates, landscaping and additional parking, following demolition of existing dwelling
Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered the reasons for refusing the original application still applied, as set out in the attached statement below. Furthermore, the proposal was not considered to be sustainable and therefore the presumption in favour of development should not apply. Concern about the impact on the tree root protection zone and the tree canopy were also expressed. |
12/02212 (Full) |
Little Queens Beeches, London Road, Ascot, SL5 7EQ
Single storey rear/side extension, additional parking area and rear terrace
Recommendation: No Objections. |
12/02235 (Full) |
The Marist Schools, Kings Road, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 7PS
Construction of a sports hall with ancillary accommodation
Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered the proposal to be contrary to policy GB2 as it was an intensification of use within the Green Belt. Furthermore, the height and scale of the building, potential light pollution, tree loss and traffic movement would adversely affect neighbourhood amenity. If the Borough were minded to approve the application, the committee requested that conditions be imposed for the whole site regarding opening times, screening and floodlight usage outside of school hours. |
12/02256 (Full) |
7 Hurstwood, Ascot, SL5 9SP
Two storey side extension following demolition of existing family room
Recommendation: No Objections. |
12/02274 (Full) |
59 Gainsborough Drive, Ascot, SL5 8TA
Two storey, part first floor front extension
Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered the proposal to be contrary to policy H14 as it was damaging to the street scene. The properties within this stretch of Gainsborough Drive were built with symmetrical sloping roofs which have not been altered. This application would result in cutting into the roof which would set an unwelcome precedent. The proximity of the two storey extension was considered to be too close to the boundary, at less than 1metre, and would create a terracing effect. Furthermore, the loss of light would be unneighbourly and the proposed guttering could be contrary to building regulations. The committee requested that the application be bought to the Development Control Panel, should the Borough be minded to approve it. |
12/02280 (Full) |
Chesham House, Coronation Road, Ascot, SL5 9LG
Erection of two dwellings and provision of a new access to Coronation Road, following demolition of the existing dwelling
Recommendation: Objections. The proposal was considered to be ‘backland’ development and of a significantly greater scale than the neighbouring properties development. Concerns were also expressed regarding the tree root protection zone, the impact on the street scene, as the entire footprint would be moved forward, and that the proposed drive would cause inconvenience to the neighbours. The committee requested that the application be bought to the Development Control Panel, should the Borough be minded to approve it. |
12/02288 (Advertisement) |
Chartered Institute of Building Offices, Englemere House, Englemere Estate, Kings Ride, Ascot, SL5 7TB
Consent to replace entrance signs with 2x non illuminated 3-sided triangular signs
Recommendation: No Objections. |
12/02304 (Full) |
Hazeldene, St Marys Hill, Ascot, SL5 9AP
Front porch extension. Convert existing conservatory into a garden room, with new tiled roof, side wall, windows and doors
Recommendation: No Objections. |
12/02309 (Certificate of Lawfulness) |
11 The Poplars, Ascot, SL5 9HZ
Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed single storey side extension is lawful.
No Recommendation Required. |
12/02321 (Works to Trees Covered by TPO) |
Ladye Place, London Road, Ascot, SL5 7EG
T1 Common Lime tree, reduce by 30% and reshape
Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer. |
12/02334 (Full) |
34 Armitage Court, Ascot, SL5 9TA
Single storey front extensions, conversion of part garage and erection of new garden wall following demolition of existing
Recommendation: No Objections. |
12/02354 (Certificate of Lawfulness) |
Blanton House, Kennel Avenue, Ascot, SL5 7PB
Certificate of Lawfulness of proposed development to determine whether a proposed roof replacement with lanterns is lawful
No Recommendation Required. |
12/02355 (Full) |
Bramley Cottage, Burleigh Road, Ascot, SL5 7LE
Construction of a detached house with second floor accommodation and a detached double garage with first floor storage over, following the demolition of the existing house and garage. New entrance gate and walls
Recommendation: Objections. The garage was considered to be too high and wrongly located. The proposed garage would adversely affect the street scene, as would the white rendered perimeter wall, and was too close to the tree canopy. |
12/02359 (Full) |
Wine Rack, 55 High Street, Ascot, SL5 7HP
Change of use from Wine Shop (A1) to Wine/Cocktail bar (A4), including new shop front.
Recommendation: No Objections, subject to a specific floor area being set aside for retail use. |
12/02392 (Full) |
Halstead House, Upper Village Road, Ascot, SL5 7AG
2x 4 bed dwellings with associated landscaping and car parking
Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered that the same grounds for objection to application 12/01441 still existed as the changes contained were not significant. The proposal therefore still considered to be an overdevelopment of the site and would thus have an adverse affect on the street scene. Plot 2 was considered to be too close to 2 Lower Village Road and Plot 1 could possibly overlook 22 Oriental Road and would therefore be unneighbourly. Furthermore, concerns about the impact on the tree root protection zone of plot 2 and tree canopy were raised. |
12/00014 17 London Road, Ascot, SL5 7EP
For an internally illuminated pole sign
The appeal was dismissed
No matters were received.
Week ending 17 August
Application Number: 12/01880
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of a detached dwelling with integral double garage and rooms in the roof space,
following demolition of existing.
Location: Silverwood Whynstones Road Ascot SL5 9HW
Decision: Refuse
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/02214
Type: Discharge of Condition
Proposal: -Details required by condition 19 (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) provision) of
planning permission 11/03293 for the demolition of existing B1 offices and redevelopment of
land for 23 dwellings, together with associated access, landscaping and new off site footpath
along Coronation Road.
Location: Hurstleigh Coronation Road Ascot
Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition
No Parish Recommendation Required
Application Number: 12/02215
Type: Discharge of Condition
Proposal: Details required by condition 2 (SPA) of planning permission 12/00390 for the construction of
two detached dwellings with garages and access from Friary Road and Monks Walk following
demolition of existing dwelling
Location: Byways Friary Road Ascot SL5 9HD
Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition
No Parish Recommendation Required
Week ending 24 August
Application Number: 12/01285
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: Cedar T1,tip reduce branches to give 2m clearance to the flat block and neighbouring 6
Location: Street Record Sunninghill Court Ascot
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Application Number: 12/01652
Type: Full
Proposal: Two detached dwellings following demolition of existing
Location: The Old Court House Carbery Lane Ascot SL5 7EJ
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/02000
Type: Full
Proposal: Alterations and extensions to include two storey side and single storey front side and rear
extensions, raising of roof to provide loft accommodation with rear dormers and a side chimney.
Location: 32 Llanvair Drive Ascot SL5 9HT
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Concerns
Application No.: 12/02035
Type: Discharge of Condition
Proposal: Details required by condition 2 (demolition and construction management plan) of planning
permission 12/01265 for redevelopment of site to provide 14 dwellings, formation of vehicle
access points and associated works as approved under planning permission 11/01432 without
complying with condition 15
Location: Abba Warehouse Ltd Gibbs House 68 Kennel Ride Ascot SL5 7NT
Applicant: Mr Neil Cottrell – Banner Homes Ltd
Decision Type: Delegated
Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition
No Parish Recommendation Required:
Application Number: 12/02249
Type: Discharge of Condition
Proposal: Details required by condition 2 (external surfaces) 3 (slab levels) 4 (sustainability statement) 5
(hard surfaces) 6 (irrigation tank) 7 (boundary treatment) 8 (parking spaces) 9 (root protection)
10 (wildlife measures) 11 (windows) 12 (landscaping) 13 (SANGS) of planning permission
11/00996/FULL for the construction of a detached dwelling
Location: Land At South Court London Road Ascot
Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition
No Parish Recommendation Required:
Week ending 31 August
Application Number: 12/01984
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of one detached house with integral garage and a pair of semi-detached dwellings
with associated off road parking, access and landscaping following demolition of existing
Location: 22 – 24 Cromwell Road Ascot
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/01998
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension, front extension. Loft conversion with front and rear
Location: Lake House Kings Ride Ascot SL5 7JW
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 12/02014
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension
Location: 131 New Road Ascot SL5 8QA
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/02060
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of a replacement house and garage
Location: 17 Llanvair Drive Ascot SL5 9HS
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation:No Objections
Application Number: 12/02068
Type: Full
Proposal: Two storey side extension. Renewal of planning permission 09/01375
Location: 11 Gainsborough Drive Ascot SL5 8TA
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/02216
Type: Full
Proposal: Two storey side extension
Location: Mare’s Nest 91 Cheapside Road Ascot SL5 7QG
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Discharges of Condition
Application Number: 12/02370
Proposal: Details required by condition 2 (SANG) of planning permission 12/01484 construction
of a detached house with basement and roof accommodation, a detached garage with
accommodation above, and new access onto Heathfield Avenue.
Location: Land At Grangewood And Maple House Larch Avenue Ascot
Application Number: 12/02382
Proposal: Details required by condition 13 (SANGS) of planning permission 11/00996/FULL for
the construction of a detached dwelling
Location: Land At South Court London Road Ascot
The proposed LapLand UK application in Swinley Forest was discussed. The extended consultation period was noted and Parish Councillors were asked to inform residents of this.
Councillor Peter Deason expressed concern about the Government’s proposed relaxation of planning conditions relating to household and retail permissions, which he considered to be contrary to the Localism agenda. Councillor David Hilton agreed to write to the Member of Parliament for Windsor raising these concerns, which were shared by the Committee.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm
Councillor Barbara Hilton, Chairman
Attached Statement regarding 12/01732 – Ascot Corner, Wells Lane, Ascot
12/01732 (Full) Ascot Corner, Wells Lane, Ascot, SL5 7DY
Construction of 12 flats, with basement parking and cycle store. Detached refuse store, new
entrance gates, landscaping and additional parking, following demolition of existing dwelling
Recommendation: Strong Objections
The Parish Council objects to the above application on the following grounds:
1. The development is not in harmony with the character of the local area as defined in the borough’s Townscape Character Assessment, contrary to policy 58 of the NPPF and to the communities’ strong desire to retain the local character and its concerns regarding the increasing density of developments. The density of development, at 43 homes per hectare compared with the current figure of 3.5/hectare reinforces the view that the development is out of character and of too high a density for its location.
The development adversely affects the street scene, reduces the green and leafy appearance and introduces an urbanising appearance, contrary to the community wishes.
2. Trees
- • The trees along the Wells Lane frontage will need to be replaced.
- • The ramp to the basement conflicts with the RPA of an important tree on the western side.
- • There is no tree survey and no tree protection measures are proposed.
3. Sustainability
The location of the development is not considered sustainable, contrary to the requirements of the NPPF policies 17, 30, 35 and 37. Section 6.9 of the Design and Access statement claims the development is in a sustainable location with easy access to local facilities and amenities, and 4.6 of the D&A statement states that in the design there is an emphasis on pedestrian, mobility impaired, cycle and public transport over car travel.
These statements are clearly not correct as the station is 1.5km away, the nearest bus stop is 1.1 km away, the nearest convenience store is 0.8 km away and the nearest primary school is 1.3 km away. The committee further noted that there are no footways in Wells Lane, and no footpath on the south side of the London road. The development is therefore not sustainable for vulnerable pedestrians.
4. The Design is considered flawed in the following respects:
The development does not accommodate the efficient delivery of goods and supplies, contrary to NPPF policy 35, or provide efficient, easy to access on-site parking, for residents, visitors or services. In particular, the Basement Parking is not viable or efficient as 4 spaces are “blocked in” and the end space is very difficult to access (amended layout, Pg 25 of D&A statement)
5. SPA constraints
The SPA is still constraining local housing numbers.