Planning Minutes – Tuesday 15th January 2013

Planning Minutes – Tuesday 15th January 2013

Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Ascot Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill on
Tuesday 15 January 2013 commencing at 7.00pm.

Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), C Lester (Vice-Chairman), P Deason, R Ellison, J Naylor,
B Story, J Yong

In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council, Peter Standley (SPAE) and Lise Andreassen (Voluntary Bio-Diversity Officer)

Councillors Margaret Duffield and David Hilton.

The minutes of the meeting, held on 11 December, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.

The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct.  Councillor Christine Lester declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 12/03413.


Application No.
Location and Description
12/02939 (Amendment)
51 Lower Village Road, Ascot, SL5 7AF

Part two part single storey rear extension. Replacement of windows
Recommendation: No Objections.

12/03103 (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development) 4 Cavendish Meads, Ascot, SL5 9TD
Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed alteration to the rear ground floor patio doors into bi-folding doors and new flue is lawful
No Recommendation Required.
12/03277 (Full) Hazeldene, St Marys Hill, Ascot, SL5 9AP
Front porch extension.  Convert existing conservatory into a garden room, with new tiled roof, side wall, windows and doors.  Amendment to 12/02304
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/03365 (Full)  Bar Billiards Ltd, Heath Works, Winkfield Road Ascot SL5 7EXConstruction of a 3 town houses (one detached and a pair of semi-detached) following

demolition of existing buildings
Recommendation: Due to the consultation timescale the Chairman had written a letter of objection in advance of the meeting, as attached.

12/003385 (Works to Trees Covered by TPO) Ladye Place, London Road, Ascot, SL5 7EGT1 False Acacia, fell

Recommendation: Objections were raised as to the insufficient arborocultural reasons given to the felling of the tree. 

12/03395 (Full) 12 Spring Gardens, Ascot, SL5 9DQTwo storey, part single storey rear extension.  Single storey side extension

Recommendation: No Objections were raised regarding the extension, but concerns were raised as to whether the Borough’s parking standards were being met.

12/03413 (Full) 2 Geffers Ride, Ascot, SL5 7JYFirst floor side extension

Recommendation: No Objections, although the committee supported the resident’s concerns regarding contractor access and vehicular movement. Conditions should apply.


12/03422 (Certificate of Lawfulness) 13 Langdale Drive, Ascot, SL5 8TQCertificate of Lawfulness to determine whether a proposed single storey rear extension is lawful

No Recommendation Required.

12/03430 (Works to Trees Covered by TPO) Old Mile House, Kier Park, Ascot, SL5 7DSOak T1, reduce overall crown by 30%, crown lift to first fork and deadwood.  Conifer T2, fell

Recommendation: Objections were raised to the felling of T2 as insufficient arborocultural reasons were given to the felling of the tree. The committee requested that the application be referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer.

12/03440 (Full) 7 Course Road, Ascot, SL5 7HQTwo storey, part single storey side/rear extension

Recommendation: No Objections.

12/03464 (Full) 24 Lower Village Road, Ascot, SL5 7AULower ground and ground floor rear extension.  Amendment to permission 12/00705

Recommendation: No Objections.

12/03466 (Full) Fairacre, Ravensdale Road, Ascot, SL5 9HJErection of 4 dwellings with access from Ravesndale Road, following demolition of the existing building

Recommendation: Objections due to the height, mass, scale and bulk of the proposal.  The sizes of the dwellings were considered to be contrary to the Townscape Assessment which defines the area as being one of ‘villas in a woodland setting.’ The potential loss of trees and the adverse affect on the tree root protection zone was also noted as a cause for objection, as were a range of ecological concerns which are attached as an appendix. The committee noted that the Tree Officer has recommended refusal of the application. The committee also supported the Borough Highway Officer’s proposed conditions, particularly regarding visitor parking, as well as the resident’s concerns about access over a ‘ransom’ strip of land.

12/03471 (Full) Four Seasons, Bagshot Road, Ascot, SL5 9JLConstruction of a five dwelling apartment building with associated garaging parking amenities following demolition of existing dwelling

Recommendation: Objections to the intensification of use within the site which were considered contrary to policy H11.  The introduction of apartments was considered to adversely affect the street scene, in a ‘non flatted’ area.  The lack of an ecological report was also noted.

12/03484 (Full) 7 Silwood Close, Ascot, SL5 7DXConstruction of a replacement detached house (amendment to planning permission 10/01838)

Recommendation: No Objections.

12/03514 (Full) Oakwood Lodge, Bagshot Road, Ascot, SL5 9JPConstruction of a detached dwelling and detached 4 bay garage with accommodation over including front entrance gates, following demolition of existing

Recommendation: No Objections.

12/03528 (Full) 3 Vicarage Gardens, Ascot, SL5 9DXSingle storey rear extension

Recommendation: No Objections.

12/03534 (Full) The Marist Schools, Kings Road, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 7PSConstruction of a sports hall with ancillary accommodation

Recommendation: Objections.  The committee reiterated their original objections to application 12/02235, adding that the potential loss of 32 trees was contrary to Policy N6 and DG6, with the proposed fencing considered inadequate. The case for accepting ‘special circumstances’ for development within the Green Belt was considered to be a Borough matter but the committee raised objections to the intensification of use within the site and the increase in traffic that would be generated.  It was also noted that the revised application was for a larger building (which would run over existing sewers) which was considered to be contrary to Policy GB1 and GB2.  

The increase in traffic generated was considered unneighbourly to residents in Highclere.

The original grounds for objection were as follows:

The committee considered the proposal to be contrary to policy GB2 as it was an intensification of use within the Green Belt.  Furthermore, the height and scale of the building, potential light pollution, tree loss and traffic movement would adversely affect neighbourhood amenity.  If the Borough were minded to approve the application, the committee requested that conditions be imposed for the whole site regarding opening times, screening and floodlight usage outside of school hours.



12/03542 (Full)  St Catherines Lodge, St Marys Road, Ascot SL5 9AYDemolition of existing dwelling to allow the erection of 2 detached dwellings

Recommendation: Objections due to the overdevelopment of the site which was considered to be contrary to the NPPF.  The committee considered that the proposed layout would result in the front dwelling adversely impacting on the amenity of the second dwelling.  Concerns were raised as to the potential tree loss, the adverse affect on the tree root protection zone and were supportive of the ecological conditions proposed should the Borough be minded to approve the application.

13/00033 (Full) Mare’s Nest, 91 Cheapside Road, Ascot, SL5 7QGTwo storey side extension, first floor rear extension and a replacement conservatory

Recommendation: No Objections, subject to Green Belt Requirements being met.

12/02094              Rose Wood Cottage, Burleigh Road, Ascot, SL5 7LD
Proposal of a detached double garage, new side entrance gate and pier, re-surfaced and extended driveway.
The appeal was dismissed.

12/00412              22-24 Cromwell Road, Ascot, SL5 9DG
Proposal of an erection of four semi-detached replacement dwellings with associated off road parking, access and landscaping, following demolition of the existing buildings.
The appeal was dismissed

12/01441              Halstead House, Upper Village Road, Ascot, SL5 7AG
2×4 bed dwellings with associated landscaping and parking
The above appeal is to be decided on the basis of a Hearing.  Comments are to be received by the Planning Inspector by
21 January 2013.  The Chairman informed the committee that she would write to the Inspector on behalf of the Parish Council.

TPO 019 of 2012 re Englemere House, Kings Ride, Ascot
TPO 001 of 2013 Birnam, Karibu, York Gate Monks Walk and Woodecote Brockenhurst Road, Ascot


Week ending 7 December

Application Number: 12/02282

Type: Outline

Proposal: Construction of a detached dwelling and garage, and widen existing access

Location: Land At 53 And 53 Cheapside Road Ascot

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections

Councillor James Naylor asked the Clerk to enquire as to whether a TPO could be placed on the one significant tree on the land.


Application Number: 12/02787

Type: Full

Proposal: Relocation of garage, including first floor accommodation over with external staircase.

Alterations to boundary treatment and position.

Location: Land At Windrush Hancocks Mount Ascot

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/02790

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of a detached dwelling with integral double garage, with accommodation over and

new entrance gates, following demolition of existing.

Location: Windrush Hancocks Mount Ascot SL5 9PQ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/02814

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: Crown reduce a Sweet Chestnut (T1) by 25% and removal of epicormic growth on the

mainstream up to 5m above ground level.

Location: The Laurels 9 Holmes Close Ascot SL5 9TJ

Decision: Partial Refusal/Partial Approval

Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer


Application Number: 12/02857

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 2 (details of the trees) and 3 (archaeological work) of planning

permission 12/00514 for a new 400m all-weather athletics track and hockey pitch with artificial

lighting, fencing, and ancillary store and a control hut; artificial lighting for existing hockey pitch;

and photovoltaic panels on the roof of the existing sports centre.

Location: St Marys School St Marys Road Ascot SL5 9JF

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish recommendation Required


Application Number: 12/02907

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: Oak T2 – remove dead branches. Beech T3 – remove the branch which is the second branch

up on the main stem and growing between the twin stems of the adjacent Oak, rubbing against

them; prune to give up to 1m clearance to the wall and crown lift to give up to 2.5m clearance

over the ground.

Location: 6 The Links Ascot SL5 7TN

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer


Application Number: 12/02918

Type: Full

Proposal: Rear dormer extension. Rear extension to existing detached garage with new roof.

Location: Courtway Titness Park London Road Sunninghill Ascot SL5 0PS

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/02944

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 3 (materials) 6 (gate details) and 11 (ageing population) of

planning permission 12/00390 for the construction of two detached dwellings with garages and

access from Friary Road and Monks Walk following demolition of existing dwelling

Location: Byways Friary Road Ascot SL5 9HD

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 12/02970

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey rear extension

Location: 31 Bowden Road Ascot SL5 9NJ

Decision: Application Permitted

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 12/03004

Type: Advertisement

Proposal: Display one non-illuminated pole mounted sign

Location: Guy Salmon Landrover Ascot/Guy Salmon Jaguar Ascot 17 London Road Ascot SL5 7EN

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections

Application Number: 12/03012

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 2 (materials) 3 (finished slab levels) 7 (sustainability measures)

and 8 (lifetime home standards) of planning permission 11/03164 Demolish bungalow and two

storey building containing three dwellings, and erect four detached 4 bed houses with garages,

access drives and associated works

Location: The Bothy And Land Adjacent To The Bothy And Woolaway Cottage Wells Lane Ascot

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 12/03273

Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev

Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether two proposed front entrance pillars and a rear

log cabin are lawful

Location: 5 Hermitage Drive Ascot SL5 7LA

Decision: Refuse

No Parish Recommendation Required


Week ending 14 December

Application Number: 12/02681

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey side extension

Location: The White Cottage Buckhurst Road Ascot SL5 7QE

Decision: Refuse

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/02966

Type: Full

Proposal: Part two part single storey side and rear extension and porch. Loft conversion with 2 front and a

rear dormer

Location: 21 Course Road Ascot SL5 7HQ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/03037

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey front extension. Part single storey part two storey front/side extension, conversion of

existing garage to family room and demolition of existing conservatory replaced with single

storey rear extension

Location: 59 Geffers Ride Ascot SL5 7JZ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/03071

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey rear extension

Location: 76 Geffers Ride Ascot SL5 7JZ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/03103

Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev

Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether a proposed alteration to the rear ground floor

patio doors into bi-folding doors and new flue is lawful

Location: 4 Cavendish Meads Ascot SL5 9TD

Decision: Permitted Development

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 12/03269

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 1 (commencement) and 2 (materials) of planning permission

12/01160 for alterations and extensions to include alterations to and raising of part of main roof,

open front porch and single storey rear extension

Location: 19 Norton Park Ascot SL5 9BW

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish Recommendation Required



Application Number: 12/03288

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by conditions 2 (SANG), 3 (samples of materials), 5 (means of enclosure), 7

(water butt), 9 (slab levels) and 10 (ageing population) of planning permission 11/03026 Two

detached dwellings with revised vehicular access, parking and landscaping following demolition

of the existing

Location: Appledown Cottage 1 Holmes Close Ascot

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish Recommendation Required


Week ending 21 December

Application Number: 12/02280

Type: Full

Proposal: Erection of two dwellings and provision of a new access to Coronation Road, following

demolition of the existing dwelling

Location: Chesham House Coronation Road Ascot SL5 9LG

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/02511

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of 10 dwellings (comprising 3 detached, 2 semi detached, and a terrace of 3

dwellings), following demolition of existing 3 properties.

Location: Hunters Lodge And 1 And 2 Ascot Lodge London Road Ascot

Decision: Refuse

Parish recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/02754

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey, part single storey side extension

Location: 18 St Georges Lane Ascot SL5 9BN

Decision: Application Withdrawn

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/02854

Type: Full

Proposal: Erection of 10 apartments plus basement parking, access and landscaping following demolition

of existing dwellings

Location: Woodlands Lodge And Boxwood House Heathfield Avenue Ascot

Decision: Refuse

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 12/02858

Type: Certificate of Lawful Use

Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether an existing use of the garage as a residential

annex is lawful

Location: 1 Eldon Lodge Carbery Lane Ascot SL5 7EJ

Decision: Refuse

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 12/02862

Type: Full

Proposal: Change of use of building from 7 bedsits to a single residential dwelling

Location: Land To The Rear of And Up To Carbery Lane At 19 London Road Ascot

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/02990

Type: Variation

Proposal: Construction of a block of 14 apartments with basement parking following the demolition of the

existing dwelling as approved under 12/00115/Full without complying with the original

permission so that approved plans can be controlled by condition and that amended plans can

be substituted showing alterations to the elevations and fenestration

Location: Westbrook House Windsor Road Ascot SL5 7LF

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Concerns


Application Number: 12/02995

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by conditions 2 (Materials), 9 (Tree Protection), 10 (Landscaping) and 11

(Construction Management) of planning permission 12/00808 Construction of 23 dwellings with

access road and landscaping following demolition of the existing 6 houses

Location: 1 – 6 Beechcroft Close Ascot

Decision: Partial Refusal/Partial Approval

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 12/03136

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of a replacement dwelling with new access

Location: Seema 43 Llanvair Drive Ascot SL5 9LW

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/03344

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 11 (construction management plan) of planning permission

11/03164 to demolish bungalow and two storey building containing three dwellings, and erect

four detached 4 bed houses with garages, access drives and associated works

Location: The Bothy And Land Adjacent To The Bothy And Woolaway Cottage Wells Lane Ascot

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish Recommendation Required


Week ending 28 December

Application Number: 12/03002

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey rear garden room, following removal of existing garden room

Location: Queens Beeches House London Road Ascot SL5 7EQ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/03089

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey side extension, following demolition of existing garage, with single storey rear

extension . Two storey side extension with single storey rear orangery. Front porch. Detached

double garage.

Location: Bywell House St Marys Hill Ascot SL5 9AP

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/03148

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey side extension incorporating a single storey rear extension. Front canopy.

Location: Avalon Coronation Road Ascot SL5 9LP

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/03157

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: Fell a Beech on the western side of the Wellswood frontage, and an Acacia on the eastern


Location: Street Record Wellswood Ascot SL5 7EA

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough Tree Officer


Application Number: 12/03158

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: Reduce height of an Oak T1, by up to a maximum of 3-4 metres to remove top die-back

Location: 8 Wellswood Ascot SL5 7EA

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough Tree Officer



Week ending 4 January

Application Number: 12/02939

Type: Full

Proposal: Part two part single storey rear extension. Replacement of windows.

Location: 51 Lower Village Road Ascot SL5 7AF

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections

Application Number:

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: Fell 4 Sweet Chestnuts to ground level (T1-T4) Fell 1 Oak (T5) to ground level

Location: Mile Stones Queens Hill Rise Ascot SL5 7DP

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Discharge of Conditions

Application Number: 12/03456

Proposal: Details required by condition 3 (site investigation) of planning permission 11/01432

subsequently varied by planning permission 12/01265 for redevelopment of site to

provide 14 dwellings, formation of vehicle access points and associated works.

Location: Abba Warehouse Ltd Gibbs House 68 Kennel Ride Ascot SL5 7NT


Application Number: 12/03457

Proposal: Details required by condition 4 (external materials) of planning permission 11/01432

subsequently varied by planning permission 12/01265 for redevelopment of site to

provide 14 dwellings, formation of vehicle access points and associated works.

Location: Abba Warehouse Ltd Gibbs House 68 Kennel Ride Ascot SL5 7NT


Application Number: 12/03458

Proposal: Details required by condition 5 (levels) of planning permission 11/01432 subsequently

varied by planning permission 12/01265 for redevelopment of site to provide 14

dwellings, formation of vehicle access points and associated works.

Location: Abba Warehouse Ltd Gibbs House 68 Kennel Ride Ascot SL5 7NT


Application Number: 12/03459

Proposal: Details required by condition 6 (hard and soft landscape works) of planning permission

11/01432 subsequently varied by planning permission 12/01265 for redevelopment of

site to provide 14 dwellings, formation of vehicle access points and associated works

Location: Abba Warehouse Ltd Gibbs House 68 Kennel Ride Ascot SL5 7NT


Application Number: 12/03460

Proposal: Details required by condition 7 (planning for an ageing population) of planning

permission 11/01432 subsequently varied by planning permission 12/01265 for

redevelopment of site to provide 14 dwellings, formation of vehicle access points and

associated works

Location: Abba Warehouse Ltd Gibbs House 68 Kennel Ride Ascot SL5 7NT


Application Number: 12/03517

Proposal: Details required by conditions 2 (samples of materials) and 8 (landscaping works) of

planning permission 12/02790 Construction of a detached dwelling with integral double

garage, with accommodation over and new entrance gates, following demolition of


Location: Windrush Hancocks Mount Ascot SL5 9PQ


Non Material Amendments

Application Number: 12/03469

Proposal: Non material amendment to planning permission 11/00348/FULL to allow additional

rooflights, repositioning of the orangery and chimney, and amendments to the roof

design over both wings

Location: Manor Steps London Road Ascot SL5 7EG

 Application Number: 12/03507

Proposal: Non material amendment to planning permission 12/00808 to amend house type ‘E’ for

Plots 2-3 and 14-17.

Location: 1 – 6 Beechcroft Close Ascot

No matters were received.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.10pm.

Councillor Barbara Hilton, Chairman of the Planning Committee



Ecological Appendix for Planning Committee Meeting 15/1/13

A.            New Planning Applications

12/003385 (Works to trees covered by TPO) – Application states ‘This tree appears to be low in vitality with numerous dead and dying branches. Low amenity value tree.’

However, under additional information section, the applicant states that the reason for carrying out the proposed works is not the condition of the tree (ticked the ‘no’ box).

The initial statement, however, suggests this is the supposed reason, and so the necessary evidence to support the proposals is required.

Summary:  There is a lack of evidence to support the justification for felling the tree and there is no information on replanting (or a justification for not replanting).

12/03430 (Works to trees covered by TPO) – Reason for felling T2 is ‘to encourage more light’: this justification appears weak and there is no information on replanting (or justification for not replanting).

Summary:  The justification for felling the T2 tree is inadequate and there is no information on replanting (or a justification for not replanting).

12/03466 – Fairacre development

If the application is granted, there are a number of conditions relating to the bio-diversity of the site that should be imposed. These requirements have been extracted from the ecology report (by Aspect Ecology) that accompanies the application:

Provisions relating to bats:

  • ·         Provision of replacement bat roosts (in bat boxes on retained trees along site boundary)  prior to demolition of building;
  • ·         Undertake ‘update’ survey work prior to demolition, partly to determine any changes in use to inform any European Protected Species licence application as may be required for Natural England;
  • ·         Demolition of suitable structures that could conceal bats to be undertaken outside the summer breeding season or winter hibernation periods;
  • ·         Contractors to be informed on what to do if bats are encountered during works – i.e. stop work and contact Natural England;
  • ·         Ensure new lighting is directed away from bat boxes and potential foraging area at site boundary. Maintain dark corridors between new roosts and offsite habitats.

Provisions relating to birds:

  • ·         To avoid a potential offence under the Wildlife & Countryside Act, either undertake vegetation clearance outside bird nesting period (March – August) or have the vegetation checked for nests by an ecologist before it is removed. Any nests identified need to be cordoned off and protected until the end of the nesting season or until birds have fledged.
  • ·         Install a variety of bird boxes, including ones for declining species e.g. House Sparrow (UK BAP species) and House Martin.

New planting:

  • ·         Where developers are undertaking new planting, include a range of native species where possible.

12/03471 – House to be demolished. There is no ecology report provided, and therefore it is considered that insufficient information on the bio-diversity of the site has been submitted for consideration.

12/03484 – House (in green belt) to be demolished. There is no ecology report provided, and therefore it is considered that insufficient information on the bio-diversity of the site has been submitted for consideration.

12/03514 – House to be demolished. There is no ecology report provided, and therefore it is considered that insufficient information on the bio-diversity of the site has been submitted.

12/03542 – If the application is granted, there are a number of conditions relating to the bio-diversity of the site that should be imposed. These requirements have been extracted from the ecology report (by AA Environment) that accompanies the application:

Provisions relating to bats:

  • ·         Further survey work should be undertaken at an appropriate time of year to supplement existing information on potential bat roosts and to determine whether a European Protected Species licence application is required. If it is, a detailed Method Statement including precautionary measures would need to be produced and followed.
  • ·         Install a series of bat boxes on suitable mature trees to be retained and/or bat tubes incorporated into the new build (positioned in accordance with best practice);
  • ·         Where new planting is scheduled, plant species of value to bats (as detailed in the original report);
  • ·         Retain established boundary vegetation which may currently be used as a foraging habitat;
  • ·         Any new lighting should be designed to minimise light spillage and not be directed onto any bat boxes/tubes installed.
  • ·         Install bat boxes before any demolition work commences;

Provisions relating to birds:

  • ·         To avoid a potential offence under the Wildlife & Countryside Act, either undertake vegetation clearance outside bird nesting period (March – August) or have the vegetation checked for nests by an ecologist before it is removed. Any nests identified need to be cordoned off and protected until the end of the nesting season or until birds have fledged.
  • ·         Install a variety of bird boxes, either in established vegetation or incorporated into new build.

L. Andreassen

Ecology Adviser

Parish council




29th December 2012


Planning Application 12/03365 Bar Billiards Ltd. Heath Works,  Winkfield Rd. Ascot SL5 7EX



Dear Ms Gibson


These are the collective comments from the Parish Council Planning Committee, which does not meet officially until 15th January.


The Parish Council objects to this application for the following reasons.


1 Although the development meets RBWM parking standards, there is insufficient parking on site to meet the needs of visitors and delivery vehicles and has a potential for emergency vehicles to be obstructed due to the lack of space.


2 The situation of the bin store and the vehicular movement of all traffic to the rear properties will cause nuisance to the occupiers of Heath House


3We are concerned that the Design & Access statement makes no mention of Oakdene, a semi detached Victorian cottage on the north side of the application site, the impact of which will be greater than that of 2 Durning Place. The flank wall of plot 3 will be at it’s closest point approximately 2 metres from Oakdene and at a height of 9.25 metres will cut out all sunlight from the small amenity space and kitchen at the side of Oakdene. There is also a study window at second floor level in plot 1   which faces directly into the bedroom of Oakdene. This will also cause an unacceptable loss of privacy to Oakdene and is unneighbourly in concept.


4 The Parish Council is not opposed to the development of this site but considers this application of 3 properties to be a cramped and unneighbourly.



Cllr. Barbara Hilton
Chair Planning Committee