Planning Minutes – Tuesday 20th March 2012

Planning Minutes – Tuesday 20th March 2012

The Courtyard (Ascot Racecourse)
High Street
Berkshire SL5 7JF

Tel: 01344 630141 Fax: 01344 630139


Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Ascot Day Centre,Bagshot Road, Sunninghill on
Tuesday 20 March 2012 commencing at 7.00pm.

Members Present:  Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), C Lester (Vice-Chairman), P Deason, D Hilton, B Story,
J Yong

In attendance:Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council and Mr. Peter Standley (SPAE)

Councillors Margaret Duffield, Robert Ellison and Daniel Whittall.

 3541  MINUTES
The minutes of the meeting, held on 28 February 2012, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.

The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct.

Councillor David Hilton stated that as a substitute on the Windsor Rural Development Control Panel any views given on applications are on the basis of information available to date and he would review the position when all the information was available at the meeting when the decision is made.

 3543  NEW APPLICATIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Application No.
Location and Description
12/00455 (Full) Land at Rustlings and Kingsland, London Road, AscotErection of two blocks of 5 apartments with associated works following demolition of existing dwellingsRecommendation: Objections.  The committee considered that the objections given to the previous application 08/00871 remained in place as the new application was not substantially different; objections that had been upheld at appeal and related to the inappropriate size, scale, layout and sitting of  the proposal. Additional concerns were also raised regarding the inadequacy of the parking allocation, particularly for visitor and service vehicles in an area where on street parking was not available, the refuse collection arrangements and the lack of emergency vehicle access.
12/00486(Works To Trees Covered by TPO)  Cedar House, Coombe Lane, Ascot SL5 7ATTo reduce the overhang of a Hornbeam by approximately 10%. To reduce one low large south facing limb of an Oak tree by approximately 3 metres. To lift a large Cedar in the back garden removing 7 lowest limbsRecommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer.
12/00514 (Full) St Marys School, St Marys Road, Ascot, SL5 9JFNew 400m all weather track and hockey pitch with floodlights and fencing.  Ancillary store and control hut.  Photophotiac panels to roof of sports centreRecommendation: Objections- see attached statement.  Councillor David Hilton was asked to call the application into the Development Control Panel.
12/00515 (Full) St Marys School, St Marys Road, Ascot, SL5 9JFRefurbishment and ground and first floor extensions to provide new kitchen and dining facilities.  Refurbishment and two storey, part single storey extension to former concert hall to form a two storey library and new terrace.  Temporary kitchen/ dining and classroom facilities whilst works are completedRecommendation: No Objections, provided that the totality of development was not disproportionate within the Green Belt and that no harm to trees resulted from the development.
12/00529 (Works to Trees Covered by TPO) Southgate, Hurstwood, Ascot, SL5 9SPFell two Oak trees (T1 and T2).  Fell one Scots Pine (T3) and fell one Silver Birch (T4).Recommendation: Objections as no sound arboriculture reasons had been given.  The committee requested that the Borough’s Tree Officer attention be drawn to the application.
12/ 00533 (Variation) The Bothy and Land Adjacent to the Bothy and Woolaway Cottage, Wells Lane, AscotTo either discharge the planning obligation made in 1986 for the whole site outlined in blue on the accompanying map or a modification to release the part of the site outlined in red on the accompanying map in connection with planning permission 11/03164 (to erect four detached 4 bed houses with garages, access drives and associated worksRecommendation: The development to which this planning permission relates shall not be implemented if any part of the development approved under application reference 09/02191 has been implemented, nor shall the development permitted under application reference 09/02191 be implemented if any part of the development to which this planning permission relates has been implemented.

Reason: Only one of the proposed developments could be satisfactorily located on the site and still accord with the provisions of the Development Plan.  Relevant policies – Local Plan DG1, H10, T5, P4, N6

12/00536 (Full) 16 Victoria Road, Ascot, SL5 9DATwo storey rear extensionRecommendation: No Objections.
12/00557 ((Works to Trees Covered by TPO) Oakhampton, Burleigh Road, Ascot, SL5 8EST2 Oak, remove north limb. T3 Oak, raise crown to give clearance over roofsRecommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer.
12/00594 (Full) 30 Armitage Court, Ascot, SL5 9TAPart first floor part two storey side extension with a single storey rear extensionRecommendation: No Objections provided the proposal was not harmful to the amenity of neighbouring properties.
12/00597(Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev)  19 Elizabeth Gardens Ascot SL5 9BJCertificate of Lawfulness to determine whether a proposed two storey, part single storey rear extension and front canopy is lawfulNo Recommendation Required.
12/00599 (Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev) 6 Charters Cottages, Charters Lane, Ascot, SL5 9NUCertificate of Lawfulness to determine whether an existing conservatory is lawfulNo Recommendation Required.
12/00618 (Full) 7 Regents Walk, Ascot, SL5 9JQConstruction of a replacement detached house and garage (with ancillary accommodation in garage roofspace) with new access and gatesRecommendation: No Objections.
12/00625 (Full) Evergreens, The Avenue, Ascot, SL5 7LYConstruction of a detached single storey annexe.  Amendment to 11/01340 to extend the annexe and a green Sedum roofRecommendation: No Objections, as long as the proposed annexe was ancillary to the family home.  The committee requested that if the Borough were minded to approve the application, a single family occupancy condition was imposed.
12/00636 (Full) Lorien, 14 Vernon Drive, Ascot, SL5 8TWTwo storey, part single storey and single storey rear extensions.  Replacement front claddingRecommendation: No Objections provided the proposal was not harmful to the amenity of neighbouring properties.

No matters were received.

No matters were received.


Week ending 2 March  

Application Number: 11/03422

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey part two storey rear extension

Location: 13 Hilltop CloseAscotSL5 7QT

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections

 Application Number: 11/03547

Type: Outline

Proposal: Outline application with some matters reserved for the construction of a detached house with

associated parking and access together with a replacement garage for 10 Fox Covert Close

Location: Land At 10 Fox Covert CloseAscot

Decision: Refuse

Parish Recommendation: Objections

Application Number: 12/00036

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey front/side extension. One and a half storey side extension and a single storey rear


Location: 33 Llanvair Drive Ascot SL5 9HS

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections

Application Number: 12/00042

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of a detached double garage

Location: Oakridge 1 Watersplash Lane Ascot SL5 7QP

Decision: Refuse

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/00052

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by part of condition 3 (sustainability measures) 4 (ageing population) and 9

(replacement tree planting) of planning permission 11/01935 for a construction of a detached

house following demolition of existing bungalow

Location:Delfryn Devenish RoadSunningdale Ascot SL5 9PF

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition


Application Number: 12/00153

Type: Full

Proposal: Installation of solar PV panels

Location: TheStables Hostel High StreetAscotSL5 7JH

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/00197

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey, part single storey side and rear extension, together with gable extension to rear of

existing loft

Location:Benningholme St Marys RoadAscotSL5 9JE

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 12/00379

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 2 (materials) 3 (sustainability) 4 (aging population) 6 (construction

management) and 9 (replacement tree planting) of planning permission 11/03223 for the

construction of a detached house following demolition of existing bungalow

Location:Delfryn Devenish RoadSunningdale Ascot SL5 9PF

Applicant: Wentworth Homes

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

 Week ending 9 March  

Application Number: 11/03374

Type: Variation

Proposal: Erection of 10 No 4 bedroom dwellings, access fromWinkfield Road, courtyard parking and

landscaping, following demolition of the existing buildings without complying with Conditions 9

(BRE sustainability) and 10 (sustainability measures) of that permission (11/00829) to remove

the wording ‘no development shall take place until’ from each condition.

Location: Ascot Motor Works AndMoss Hill House Winkfield RoadAscot

Decision: Permitted Development

Parish Recommendation: No Objections

 Application Number: 11/03464

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: Fell 6 Scots Pine (T1-T4, T10 and T11). To fell a Silver Birch (T5). Crown lift a Common Beech

(T6) to 3.5 metres. Remove dead branches from a Coast Redwood (T7) and crown lift two

Lawson Cypress by 2.5 metres and remove dead wood (T8 and T9)

Location: Redwood Manor Brockenhurst Road Ascot SL5 9EZ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Concerns

 Application Number: 12/00060

Type: Full

Proposal: Erection of two detached dwellings with double garages and access drives following demolition

of existing detached dwellings

Location: Meadow Court London Road Ascot SL5 7EQ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: 0bjections

Application Number: 12/00110

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: Reduce 2 Plum trees by 10 – 15% and an Apple tree by 20% (T1). Reduce and reshape a group

of 19 Lawsons (T3) by up to 2.5 metres. Reduce and reshape a group of 5 Conifers (T2) by up

to 3 metres (1 and 2) 1 metre (3 and 5) and 1.5 metres (4)

Location:Nunthorpe House St Marys RoadAscotSL5 9JE

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer

Application Number: 12/00160

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: Reduce one Oak tree by 25-30%

Location:Moreland Truss Hill RoadAscotSL5 9AL

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer

 Application Number: 12/00225

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of a rear conservatory

Location:76 Upper Village RoadAscotSL5 7AQ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


No matters were received.

11/00996 (amendment)  Land at South Court,LondonRoad,Ascot
The committee objected to the amendment which was considered to be contrary to policy N7.

 12/00215 (reserved matters) The White House,Winkfield Road,Ascot
The committee raised no objections to the amendment.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.12pm.


Councillor Barbara Hilton, Chairman

12/00514 StMarysSchoolSports Facilities – Objections Statement

The committee considered that the scale, increased intensity and visibility of use involved brought the proposal into conflict with GB policy GB2(B).

This is a Green Belt site surrounded by residential developments and with a common boundary with the busy Coronation Road.  GB policy allows under GB1 permission for essential facilities for outdoor sport but under policy GB2 does not permit developments which would either have a greater impact on the openness of a site than the existing or a material intensification of existing levels of activity.

The committee considered the scale and intensification of the proposals would have a harmful impact on the openness of the Green Belt and failed to meet the criteria in GB2 to allow permission to be granted.  This was due to the increase in facilities proposed levels of use which was not just to create facilities within the school boundary which pupils have at present to go off site for, but to attract other schools and clubs etc to use this Green Belt site.

Additionally the committee considered the extent and duration of floodlighting, noise from spectators and vehicle movements to be harmful to the amenity of neighbouring residents. These concerns applied to the upgrading of the existing hockey pitch which had been restricted by conditions to 99/78056 (9-6pm, no Sunday use and no lighting) which the applicant now asked to be removed.