The Courtyard (Ascot Racecourse)
High Street, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7JF
Tel: 01344 630141 Fax: 01344 630139
Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Ascot Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill on
Tuesday 29 May 2012 commencing at 7.00pm.
Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), C Lester (Vice-Chairman), P Deason, M Duffield, R Ellison,
S Jones, B Story, D Whittall, J Yong
In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council and Peter Standley, SPAE.
Councillor David Hilton.
The minutes of the meeting, held on 8 May 2012, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
Councillor Peter Deason declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 12/01385.
Application No.
Location and Description
12/00882 (Full and Amended)
The Chalet, Ravensdale Road, Ascot, SL5 9HJ
Proposed detached dwelling with integral double garage following demolition of existing dwelling
Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered the proposal to be excessive in scale and bulk. Therefore it was out of keeping with the street scene H11 and contrary to the Townscape Assessment.
12/01019 (Full)
South Grange, Manor St Marys Road, Ascot, SL5 9JE
Single storey side extension
Recommendation: No Objections provided the Borough’s Tree Officer was satisfied.
12/01066 (Full)
Woodside, Watersplash Lane, Ascot, SL5 7QP
Rear dormer
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01112 (Full)
1 Lodge Close Ascot SL5 7FT
Erection of a timber summerhouse (retrospective)
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01169 (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development)
Springbank New Road Ascot SL5 8QB
Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed use of the garage as
habitable accommodation is lawful
No Recommendation Required.
12/01179 (Full)
56 Hilltop Close, Ascot, SL5 7QU
Single storey front extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01233 (Full)
Cedar Lodge, Bagshot Road, Ascot, SL5 9LJ
Construction of 2 detached houses following demolition of existing bungalow
Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered the aggregate affect of four properties in a row was out of keeping with the area, would adversely affect the street scene and was therefore contrary to the Townscape Assessment. The proposal was considered to be cramped, dominant and represent an overdevelopment of the site. It would result in the loss of boundary greenery in an area that backed onto the Green Belt. Furthermore the committee considered the entrance onto the site to be dangerous and would not allow for adequate emergency and service vehicle access. The proposed drive was over the root protection zone of protected trees and no tree report had been submitted with the application.
12/01237 (Works to Trees Covered by TPO)
Land at Windrush, Hancocks Mount, Ascot
Fell 3 Sweet Chestnuts
Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer, although the committee requested that sound arboriculture reasons be given for any tree works.
12/01245 (Full)
14 Sutherland Chase, Ascot, SL5 8TF
Single storey rear extension with chimney and single storey extension to front of garage
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01264 (Full)
26 Woodend Drive, Ascot, SL5 9BG
2 storey part single storey side and rear extension with side chimney, single storey front extension and new bay windows to front
Recommendation: No Objections.
Abba Warehouse Ltd, Gibbs House, 68 Kennel Ride, Ascot SL5 7NT
Redevelopment of site to provide 14 dwellings, formation of vehicle access points and associated works as approved under planning permission 11/01432/FULL without complying with condition 15 so that it reads ‘no part of the development shall be commenced until visibility splays of 2.4 metres (m) by 43 m have been provided at the cul-de-sac junction with Kennel Ride as measured at the centreline of the new access and the carriageway from their point of intersection; the other accesses onto New Road and Kennel Ride (individual driveways to plots 1-6 and plots 10-12) to provide pedestrian visibility splays of 2.4 m by 2.4 m as measured along the edge of the driveway and the back of footway if such a footway exists or carriageway if no such footway exists from their point of intersection. The areas within these splays shall be kept free from all obstructions to visibility over a height of 0.6 m above carriageway level
Recommendation: No Objections provided that the revised condition must be complied with.
12/01269 (Full)
Pippins, St Johns Road, Ascot, SL5 7NH
Two storey side extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01285 (Works To Trees Covered by TPO)
Street Record Sunninghill Court Ascot
Cedar T1, remove 2 lowest laterals and long lateral over roof and tip reduce 2 further limbs over same roof by approx 2m. Tip reduce over neighbouring properties to attain a 3m clearance
Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer.
12/01286 (Full)
Victoria House, The Covert, Ascot, SL5 9JS
Rear conservatory and open front porch
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01291 (Full)
Sunninghill Veterinary Centre, 27 High Street, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 9NG
Single storey detached office building ancillary to veterinary practice. Renewal of planning permission 09/01334
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01292 (Full)
Sunninghill Veterinary Centre, 27 High Street, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 9NG
Single storey rear extension to provide additional veterinary accommodation. Renewal of planning permission 09/01335
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01306 (Full)
157 Cavendish Meads, Ascot, SL5 9TG
Single storey rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01327 (Full)
Insley Associates, 12 Holmes Close, Ascot, SL5 9TJ
Two single storey rear extensions (one with balcony over)
Recommendation: No Objections provided that the balconies would not overlook neighbouring properties.
12/01335 (Full)
47 Geffers Ride, Ascot, SL5 7JZ
Ground floor infill and first floor side extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01336 (Full)
73 Bouldish Farm Road, Ascot, SL5 9EW
Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing outhouse. Fitting an enlarged front window
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01344 (Works to Trees Covered by TPO)
Avalon, Queens Hill Rise, Ascot, SL5 7DP
Fell a Common Beech tree
Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer, although the committee noted that a number of trees had been removed and that a sound arboriculture reason should be given for any further tree works.
12/01384 (Full)
22 Woodlands Ride, Ascot, SL5 9HN
Installation of 2 front and rear dormers and 2 roof lights to facilitate a loft conversion
Recommendation: Objections. The front dormers were not considered in keeping with the street scene as defined within the townscape assessment.
12/01385 (Full)
20 Dorian Drive, Ascot, SL5 7QL
Two storey side extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
11/01807 West Burnside and Burnside, Burleigh Road
Construction of seven detached dwellings and a new access road.
The Planning Inspectorate has informed that the Hearing will take place at 10.00am on 20 June at the Main Chamber, Guildhall, Windsor.
11/0354 Land at 10 Fox Covert Close, Ascot
Outline application with some matters reserved for the construction of a detached house with associated parking and access together with a replacement garage for 10 Fox Covert Close.
The Planning Inspectorate has informed that the appeal will be decided on the basis of written representations.
No matters were received.
Week ending 4 May
Application Number: 12/00529
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: Fell two Oak trees (T1 and T2). Fell one Scots Pine (T3) and Fell one Silver Birch (T4).
Location: Southgate Hurstwood Ascot SL5 9SP
Decision: Partial Refusal/Partial Approval
Parish Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 12/00594
Type: Full
Proposal: Part first floor part two storey side extension with a single storey rear extension
Location: 30 Armitage Court Ascot SL5 9TA
Decision: Refuse
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00705
Type: Full
Proposal: Lower ground and ground floor rear extension
Location: 24 Lower Village Road Ascot SL5 7AU
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00720
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: Reduce the height of a row of Conifers (cypress) by approximately 50%
Location: Wells House Wells Lane Ascot SL5 7DY
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Application Number: 12/00751
Type: Full
Proposal: Two storey rear extension with hipped roof. Single storey rear extension flat roofed side
extension to east. Conversion of garage into habitable accommodation with new front wall. Two
bay detached garage with rooms in roof. Roof-light to existing flat roofed single storey west
wing. Amendments to some side and rear fenestration. New gates and Piers.
Location: Devenish Place Devenish Road Sunningdale Ascot SL5 9PE
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00772
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey rear extension and timber pergola
Location: The Swinley Public House 29 Brockenhurst Road Ascot SL5 9DJ
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00774
Type: Full
Proposal: Detached single garage
Location: 2 Truss Hill Road Ascot SL5 9AL
Applicant: Mr And Mrs Stephen And Penelope Kay
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 12/00979
Type: Full
Proposal: Formation of additional parking bays on Friary Road
Location: St Francis of Assisi RC Church Coronation Road Ascot SL5 9HG
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Week ending 11 May
Application Number: 12/00843
Type: Full
Proposal: Extend front of integral garage
Location: 6 The Links Ascot SL5 7TN
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00879
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of a new single storey side extension with extended loft accommodation above
following demolition of existing garage
Location: 6 Lower Village Road Ascot SL5 7AU
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 12/00893
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey front and two storey front/side extensions
Location: 26 Woodend Drive Ascot SL5 9BG
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/01169
Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed use of the garage as habitable
accommodation is lawful
Location: Springbank New Road Ascot SL5 8QB
Decision: Permitted Development
No Parish Recommendation Required
Week ending 18 May
Application Number: 12/00455
Type: Full
Proposal: Erection of two blocks of 5 apartments with associated works following demolition of existing
Location: Land At Rustlings And Kingsland London Road Ascot
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 12/00771
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of seven detached dwellings and access road
Location: West Burnside And Burnside Burleigh Road Ascot
Decision: Refuse
Parish Recommendation: Strong Objections
Application Number: 12/00856
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: Beech – Prune to give up to a maximum of 3.5m clearance over the garden at
‘Udimore’/’Topples’; remove any crossing/rubbing branches and dead branches
Location: Topples Cottage And Udimore Burleigh Road Ascot
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Application Number: 12/00899
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: Fell all the trees and shrubs in group G1 in the rear garden
Location: Dorchester House 13 Holmes Close Ascot SL5 9TJ
Decision: Refuse
Parish Recommendation: Concerns
Application Number: 12/00978
Type: Full
Proposal: Extension of car park area and alterations to access from Coronation Road to include boundary
wall and railings
Location: St Francis of Assisi RC Church Coronation Road Ascot SL5 9HG
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Objections
12/01347 Green Dell St Marys Road Ascot SL5 9AX
Non material amendment to planning permission 12/00144 to allow amendments to the
roof light
Councillor Peter Deason raised concerns that Condition 5 had not been complied with regarding application 11/03194 (Briar Coombe, St Marys Hill, Ascot). The Chairman stated that she would advise the Borough’s Planning Department regarding this matter.
The Clerk informed the committee that the next Planning Committee was to be held on Monday 18 June, because of Royal Ascot week.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.50pm.
Councillor Barbara Hilton, Chairman