Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Ascot Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill, on
Tuesday 9 April 2013 commencing at 7.00pm.
Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), C Lester (Vice-Chairman), M Duffield, J Yong
In attendance:Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council, Peter Standley SPAE, Lise Andreassen, Voluntary Bio-Diversity Officer
Councillors Peter Deason, Robert Ellison, David Hilton, James Naylor and Barbara Story.
The minutes of the meeting, held on 19 March 2013, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. None were given.
Application No. |
Location and Description
13/00498 (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development) |
7 Silwood Close, Ascot, SL5 7DX
Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed detached outbuilding comprising a gym, cinema room, spa area and garage and an external swimming pool are lawful
No Parish Recommendation Required. |
13/00499 (Full) |
61 Upper Village Road, Ascot, SL5 7AY
Two storey rear, part single storey rear/side extension
Recommendation: Objections. The committee supported the Planning Officer’s objections as the proposal was considered obtrusive and overbearing to the neighbouring properties and therefore infringed Appendix 12 of the Local Plan on light angles. |
13/00539 (Outline ) |
Land at Queens Beeches House, London Road, Ascot
Outline application (with appearance and landscaping reserved) for the construction of 2 detached dwelling
Recommendation: Objections. The proposal was considered to be harmful to the neighbourhood amenity of Missanda, having a potential to overlook and also an adverse effect on the adjacent trees, Plot 2 being cramped and not fitting the description of a ‘villa in a woodland setting.’ The committee requested that an archaeological survey be carried out prior to any work commencing, should the Borough be minded to approve the application. |
13/00669 (Full) |
Woodberry Down, St Marys Road, Ascot, SL5 9JE
Construction of a replacement dwelling with detached garage and access
Recommendation: No Objections, subject to a bat survey and walk over survey being carried out, to establish if there are any mitigation measures necessary, before work commences. |
13/00679 (Full) |
8 Fox Covert Close, Ascot, SL5 9PA
Single storey rear extension with covered patio area
Recommendation: No Objections. |
13/00683 (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development) |
10 Cavendish Meads, Ascot, SL5 9TD
Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether the proposed conversion of part of the
garage and a single storey rear extension is lawful
No Recommendation Required.
13/00726 (Full) |
3 Hermitage Drive, Ascot, SL5 7LA
Front extension to garage with first floor extension over a single storey side/rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections. |
13/00731 (Full) |
Woodlands Lodge and Boxwood House, Heathfield Avenue, Ascot
Erection of 8 apartments with basement parking, alterations to access, entrance gates and landscaping following demolition of existing dwellings
Recommendation: Objections. Although the committee noted that the number of apartments had been reduced from 10-8, the reduction in the scale of the building was not considered to have a material impact on its scale and mass. This density of development was still considered to be cramped and out of character with the area, in which no comparable development had taken place. The road width was not considered to be compliant with Borough guidelines and the lack of pavement on Heathfield Avenue caused highway concerns. The committee considered the parking provision to be inadequate for visitors and trades vehicles and the proposal to be unsustainable due to the lack of access to public transport. Also the basement ramp grade remains too steep Therefore the objections raised for the previous application, 12/02854, still remained. |
13/00746 (Full) |
Land At Rustlings And Kingsland, London Road, Ascot
Erection of 10 apartments ( two blocks of 5 ) with associated works following
demolition of two existing dwellings
Recommendation: No Objections. |
13/00772 (Full) |
10 Spring Gardens, Ascot, SL5 9DQ
Single storey and first floor rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections. |
13/00783 (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development) |
39 Kings Road, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 9AD
Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed single storey rear extension is lawful
No Recommendation Required. |
13/00814 (Full) |
6 The Chase, Ascot, SL5 7UJ
First floor rear conservatory with roof terrace
Recommendation: No Objections. |
13/00827 (Full) |
St George’s Cottage, 39 Oriental Road, Ascot, SL5 7AZ
Two storey side extension
Recommendation: No Objections, subject to a bat survey being undertaken prior to any works commencing. |
12/01441 Halstead House, Upper Village Road, Ascot, SL5 7AG
2 x 4 bed dwellings with associated landscaping and car parking
The Hearing would take place at 10.00am on 23 April at York House, Sheet Street, Windsor.
12/02511 Hunters Lodge and 1 and 2 Ascot Lodge, London Road
Construction of 10 dwellings (comprising 3 detached, 2 semi-detached, and a terrace of 3 dwellings) following demolition of existing properties
The appeal would be decided on the basis of an exchange of written representations. Comments to the Planning Inspectorate by 30 April.
No matters were received.
Week ending 15 March
Application Number: 13/00142
Type: Advertisement
Proposal: Consent to display one internally illuminated advertising sign on ATM machine
Location:Sunninghill Post Office Kings RoadSunninghill Ascot SL5 9AA
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 13/00199
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey rear/side extension, additional parking area and rear terrace
Location: LittleQueensBeeches London RoadAscotSL5 7EQ
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation No Objections
Application Number: 13/00207
Type: Full
Proposal: Erection of a shelter and a cycle rack
Location:St Michaels CE PrimarySchool School RoadAscotSL5 7AD
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 13/00240
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey and part two storey rear extension
Location: 5 Hilltop CloseAscotSL5 7QT
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 13/00262
Type: Full
Proposal: Erect a rear conservatory
Location:5 Kinross AvenueAscotSL5 9EP
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 13/00568
Type: Discharge of Condition
Proposal: Details required by condition 17 (tree protection) and 19 (landscaping arboriculture method
statement) of planning permission 11/03164 to demolish bungalow and two storey building
containing three dwellings, and erect four detached 4 bed houses with garages, access drives
and associated works
Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition
No Parish Recommendation Required.
Application Number: 13/30003
Type: Spheres of Mutual Interest
Proposal: Erection of 2 no. 6 bed dwellings including new access toCoronation Roadfollowing demolition
of the existing dwelling (Amendment to Planning Permission 12/00665/FULL)
Location:Chesham House Coronation RoadAscotSL5 9LG
Decision: Objection
Parish Recommendation: Objections.
Application Number: 13/00625
Type: Discharge of Condition
Proposal: Details required by condition 3 (external material samples) 4 (hard surfacing samples) 5 (means
of enclosure) and 17 (hard and soft landscaping works) of planning permission 12/00455 for the
erection of two blocks of 5 apartments with associated works following demolition of existing
Location: Land At Rustlings AndKingsland London RoadAscot
Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition
No Parish Recommendation Required.
Week ending 22 March
Application Number: 13/00157
Type: Works ToTreesCovered by TPO
Proposal: Reduce the length of the lower lateral branches of a Beech tree by 2m – 3m. These are the
branches within 4.5m above ground level. Reduce the first two branches above 4.5m ground
level, on the southern side of the crown, by 2 – 3m.
Location: The Belfry Monks WalkAscotSL5 9AZ
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer.
Application Number: 13/00191
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of a replacement detached house with 3-car garage (amendments to permission
Location: ManorSteps London RoadAscotSL5 7EG
Applicant: Mr Martin Brown – Runneymede Investments Ltd
Decision Type: Delegated
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 13/00508
Type: Full
Proposal: Redevelopment to provide 9 houses following demolition of existing dwellings
Location: Hunters Lodge And 1 And2 Ascot Lodge London RoadAscot
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Parish Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 13/00550
Type: Non-material Amendment
Proposal: Non material amendment to planning permission 12/00808 to list the approved drawings as a
planning condition
Location: 1 – 6 Beechcroft CloseAscot
Decision: Application Permitted
No Parish Recommendation Required.
Week ending 28 March
Application Number: 13/00114
Type: Full
Proposal: Retention of two steel containers (stacked)
Location: Oakfield Farm Wells Lane Ascot SL5 7DY
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 13/00253
Type: Full
Proposal: Two storey side extension with front and rear dormers
Location:Blacknest House Cottage Titness Park London RoadSunninghill Ascot SL5 0PS
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 13/00273
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of a detached dwelling, following demolition of existing including new entrance
gates and piers
Location:Bramley Cottage Burleigh RoadAscotSL5 7LE
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 13/00275
Type: Works ToTreesCovered by TPO
Proposal: Oak: Crown lift to give up to 5m clearance over the ground. This includes the removal of low
epicormic shoots up to this height. Reduce branches on northern side of the tree (ie. facing the
house) by up to a maximum of 1m. This will leave a branch spread no less than 5.5m house
Location: 51 Hurstwood Ascot SL5 9SP
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Application Number: 13/00276
Type: Works ToTreesCovered by TPO
Proposal: Oak nearest the house: crown lift to 4m; thin out branches emanating from previous reduction
points by up to 25%; remove stubs. Second Oak: crown lift to 4m; thin out branches
emanating from previous reduction points by up to 25%; tip reduce lateral branches by up to a
maximum of 1m, to leave a crown with a branch spread of no less than 5m; remove stubs.
Location: 49 Hurstwood Ascot SL5 9SP
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Application Number: 13/00300
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of two detached houses and garages with access drive and gates following
demolition of existing dwelling
Location:Dial House Kings RoadSunninghill Ascot SL5 0AG
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Parish Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 13/00343
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing outhouse and enlarging a front
window. (amendment to permission 12/01336)
Location:73 Bouldish Farm RoadAscotSL5 9EW
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 13/00439
Type: Advertisement
Proposal: Consent to display one non illuminated pole mounted sign
Location: Guy Salmon Landrover Ascot/Guy Salmon JaguarAscot17London RoadAscotSL5 7EN
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 13/00493
Type: Full
Proposal: Detached outbuilding and associated works to front
Location: 79 New RoadAscotSL5 8PZ
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 13/00516
Type: Works ToTreesCovered by TPO
Proposal: Reduce one Oak tree, by 4-5m to clear bedroom roof by 3-4m, on woodland adjacent 17
Geffers Ride
Location:Grand Regency Heights Burleigh RoadAscotSL5 8FE
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Discharge of Conditions
Details required by condition 6 (hard and soft landscaping) of planning permission 12/01265/VAR Redevelopment of site to provide 14 dwellings, formation of vehicle access points and associated works as approved under planning permission 11/01432/FULL
Location: Abba Warehouse Limited, Gibbs House, 68 Kennel Ride, Ascot, SL5 7NT.
Non-material Amendment
Non material amendment to planning permission 11/00996/FULL to allow amendments
to the south and west elevations, with a new west window and a garden door
elevation. The removal of a chimney on the west elevation is also shown as an
Location: Garden Cottage London Road Ascot SL5 7EG
No matters were raised.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.40pm.
Councillor Barbara Hilton, Chairman
Ecological Notes for Planning Committee Meeting 9/4/13
A. New Planning Applications
13/00669 – Woodberry Down
This building was probably built pre-1960s and has been left empty for at least 7 years. The back garden is wooded and the site is overgrown and neglected. This increases the likelihood of wildlife in the area.
It is therefore considered that that there needs to be a bat survey and a wider biodiversity survey in accordance with the validation requirements for planning applications as issued by RBWM and the Association of Local Government Ecologists. Without these, the application should be deemed invalid.
13/00827 –St George’s Cottage
This semi-detached cottage was built pre-1914 (probably 1886 – the date shown on the façade of neighbouring properties built with similar features). The roof is built with slates. The back of the property adjoins an extensive area of woodland. Together, these three features require a bat survey to be undertaken before any modification work on this building commences. This conclusion is in accordance with:
- the Association of Local Government Ecologists’ recommended validation requirements for planning applications (based on legislative requirements) , which requires a bat survey to be undertaken where an application involves modification:
- to ‘pre-1914 buildings within 400m of woodland;
- to ‘pre-1914 buildings with gable ends or slate roofs, regardless of location’
L. Andreassen
Voluntary Bio-Diversity Officer
at 7.00pm.
Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), C Lester (Vice-Chairman), M Duffield, J Yong
In attendance:Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council, Peter Standley SPAE, Lise Andreassen,Voluntary Bio-Diversity Officer
Councillors Peter Deason, Robert Ellison, David Hilton, James Naylor and Barbara Story.
The minutes of the meeting, held on 19 March 2013, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. None were given.
Application No. |
Location and Description
13/00498 (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development) |
7 Silwood Close, Ascot, SL5 7DX
Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed detached outbuilding comprising a gym, cinema room, spa area and garage and an external swimming pool are lawful
No Parish Recommendation Required. |
13/00499 (Full) |
61 Upper Village Road, Ascot, SL5 7AY
Two storey rear, part single storey rear/side extension
Recommendation: Objections. The committee supported the Planning Officer’s objections as the proposal was considered obtrusive and overbearing to the neighbouring properties and therefore infringed Appendix 12 of the Local Plan on light angles. |
13/00539 (Outline ) |
Land at Queens Beeches House, London Road, Ascot
Outline application (with appearance and landscaping reserved) for the construction of 2 detached dwelling
Recommendation: Objections. The proposal was considered to be harmful to the neighbourhood amenity of Missanda, having a potential to overlook and also an adverse effect on the adjacent trees, Plot 2 being cramped and not fitting the description of a ‘villa in a woodland setting.’ The committee requested that an archaeological survey be carried out prior to any work commencing, should the Borough be minded to approve the application. |
13/00669 (Full) |
Woodberry Down, St Marys Road, Ascot, SL5 9JE
Construction of a replacement dwelling with detached garage and access
Recommendation: No Objections, subject to a bat survey and walk over survey being carried out, to establish if there are any mitigation measures necessary, before work commences. |
13/00679 (Full) |
8 Fox Covert Close, Ascot, SL5 9PA
Single storey rear extension with covered patio area
Recommendation: No Objections. |
13/00683 (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development) |
10 Cavendish Meads, Ascot, SL5 9TD
Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether the proposed conversion of part of the
garage and a single storey rear extension is lawful
No Recommendation Required.
13/00726 (Full) |
3 Hermitage Drive, Ascot, SL5 7LA
Front extension to garage with first floor extension over a single storey side/rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections. |
13/00731 (Full) |
Woodlands Lodge and Boxwood House, Heathfield Avenue, Ascot
Erection of 8 apartments with basement parking, alterations to access, entrance gates and landscaping following demolition of existing dwellings
Recommendation: Objections. Although the committee noted that the number of apartments had been reduced from 10-8, the reduction in the scale of the building was not considered to have a material impact on its scale and mass. This density of development was still considered to be cramped and out of character with the area, in which no comparable development had taken place. The road width was not considered to be compliant with Borough guidelines and the lack of pavement on Heathfield Avenue caused highway concerns. The committee considered the parking provision to be inadequate for visitors and trades vehicles and the proposal to be unsustainable due to the lack of access to public transport. Also the basement ramp grade remains too steep Therefore the objections raised for the previous application, 12/02854, still remained. |
13/00746 (Full) |
Land At Rustlings And Kingsland, London Road, Ascot
Erection of 10 apartments ( two blocks of 5 ) with associated works following
demolition of two existing dwellings
Recommendation: No Objections. |
13/00772 (Full) |
10 Spring Gardens, Ascot, SL5 9DQ
Single storey and first floor rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections. |
13/00783 (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development) |
39 Kings Road, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 9AD
Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed single storey rear extension is lawful
No Recommendation Required. |
13/00814 (Full) |
6 The Chase, Ascot, SL5 7UJ
First floor rear conservatory with roof terrace
Recommendation: No Objections. |
13/00827 (Full) |
St George’s Cottage, 39 Oriental Road, Ascot, SL5 7AZ
Two storey side extension
Recommendation: No Objections, subject to a bat survey being undertaken prior to any works commencing. |