The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead has published two consultations and is asking for your feedback.
There is a proposed budget for 2021/22 and they would like to hear your views so please take part in the consultation and share your feedback by the 29 January. Your feedback will be considered before the budget goes to council for final approval in February.
They are also carrying out a consultation on introducing two new Public Space Protection Orders.
PSPOs propose to deal with anti-social behaviour in an area that is having a detrimental effect on the quality of life for those in the local community. It can prohibit certain things or require specific things to be done.
They are asking for feedback on the proposed introduction of two PSPOs. The first PSPO is aimed at tackling dog control and dog fouling. The second is aimed at tackling cycling on the highway in certain pedestrianised zones.
Both of these consultations will have a direct effect on our Parish so please do click on the links below to read through the proposals and have your say.