20mph Consultation

20mph Consultation

20mph consultation image

Consultation on 20mph speed limits in the Parishes of Sunninghill & Ascot and Sunningdale

Safer Streets

Sunningdale Parish Council and Sunninghill & Ascot Parish Council have been working together to support Cycling & Walking. A Cycling and Walking Vision was set in 2021 and shared with RBWM. The Vision included a number of initiatives and the creation of a network of cycling and walking routes for leisure and active travel.

The joint parish Working Group decided to focus initially on the implementation of 20mph speed limits as improving safety was seen as a major priority.­

A “Safer Streets” community consultation was conducted in 2022 to determine the level of community support for the principle of introducing 20 mph speed limits, where appropriate (for selected roads where full consideration of the needs of vulnerable road users supports this lower limit).

The feedback from the consultation was very clear; 81% of respondents were in support of 20 mph (out of a total 272 responses). There were 657 suggestions for 20mph roads including significant support around all schools. 139 additional comments were made, including many ideas to make our streets safer.

Based on this comprehensive response from the communities, each parish has now prepared a proposal of 20 mph roads and other initiatives to make our streets safer.

We are now asking for comments on these proposals before finalisation and submission to the Highways Authority (RBWM). While each Parish will finalise its own proposals, the Working Group hopes to create consistency so that there will be continuity in speed limits on roads which cross from Parish to Parish.

Please click on the link to see full details of the proposals and to submit any comments you would like to make. The consultation closes on Friday 2 June 2023.

Create your own user feedback survey
QR Code for 20mph Survey

The following recommendations are based on a detailed analysis of the community feedback for our parish and the Government’s guidelines in respect of 20mph speed limits.

Respondents were asked to suggest roads for the introduction of 20mph speed limits and 657 suggestions were received across both parishes. The 20 most suggested roads were identified and the 12 roads suggested for 20mph speed limits in our parish are:

  • Watersplash Lane
  • Cheapside Road
  • Sunninghill High Street
  • Sunninghill Road
  • Bagshot Road
  • Kings Road, Sunninghill
  • Upper Village Road, Sunninghill
  • Lower Village Road, Sunninghill.
  • Brockenhurst Road, South Ascot (a section of which is already 20mph)
  • Coronation Road, South Ascot
  • Rise Road (part)
  • Devenish Road (part)

Three of these already have 20mph speed limits (Sunninghill High Street, Kings Road & Brockenhurst Road, South Ascot) and a number of other roads in our parish also have 20mph speed limits, as shown on the map. These are generally roads through our busy village high streets and in the vicinity of schools. It is proposed that these remain 20mph, but for some roads it is proposed that the length of the 20mph limit is extended, for example, through South Ascot and Sunninghill. The proposals also include schools where there aren’t currently 20mph speed limits. 20mph limits are also proposed on key routes to churches, recreation grounds and health facilities (GP surgeries and care homes)

In some locations we are recommending a reduction of the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph owing to the roads being dangerous or to provide a transition between 40 to 20mph speed limits. For example, Kings Road / Rise Road, Brockenhurst Road and Coronation Road. Kings Road/Rise Road crosses the parish boundary and is subject to agreement with Sunningdale Parish Council.

All roads in the proposal meet the following criteria:

  • No alternative method of separating vulnerable road users due to the village environment with houses preventing creation of wider pavements
  • These roads connect and form the major routes to/from schools, churches, village hall, recreation ground, doctors’ surgery/new Medical Centre.
  • This proposal fully complies with Department of Transport guidance which states that 20mph speed limits can improve safety for cyclists & walkers where clear separation is not possible: we are unable to introduce cycle lanes on these narrow roads
  • For reasons of logic and simplicity as well as easier signage, roads fully enclosed by the roads noted would also adopt 20mph for simplicity to create a coherent cluster or Zone, minimising speed limit changes and strengthening compliance

In Sunninghill & Ascot Parish, the proposed 20mph roads are:

Road Name No. of suggestionsCurrent speedProposalReasons for 20mph
Watersplash Lane28Reduce the speed limit to 30pm with a 20mph zone at school start & finish times either side of the entrance to Dorian Drive.Safety of pupils walking or cycling to Cheapside Primary School.
Cheapside Road13Reduce speed limit to 20mph at school start & finish times
Safety of pupils walking or cycling to Cheapside Primary School and Pre-School.
Sunninghill High Street21No change (see below for extension proposal)Safety of pupils walking & cycling to St Michael's School. Safety of pedestrians & cyclists using the congested High Street with on-street parking.
Sunninghill Road/High Street/Bagshot Road14/21/10

Extend 20mph to just north of junction with Oriental Road and south to the roundabout at Devenish/Brockenhurst Road. 20mph limit is currently from public toilets in Sunninghill Road to narrowing in Bagshot Road. Include side roads of Kingswick Drive, Nell Gwynn Avenue & Close, Matthews Court, Fox Covert Close & Armitage Court, Oriental Road, Cavendish Meads & Holmes Close in the 20mph zone.Safety of pupils walking or cycling to St Michael's School & Charters School; safety of pedestrians due to narrow footpaths; safety of cyclists due to road narrowing on brow of hill; 20mph will slow vehicles well before narrowing. Narrowing is also a pedestrian crossing point. Not extended to A329 to allow for speed transition.
Cavendish Meads7Reduce speed limit to 20mphSafety of residents & for continuity of speed onto Bagshot Road
Rise Road/Kings Road45/7

Extend current 20mph to east of King's Corner Surgery (where footpath becomes separated from the road). Discussion with Sunningdale Parish Council regarding the transition from the section of Rise Road that is in their Parish.Safety of vulnerable residents of Lynwood, users of Kings Corner Surgery and visitors to the new Primary Health Hub. Slows traffic around bend at Kings Corner. Safety of children walking or cycling to Marist School. Working Group will liaise with Sunningdale Parish Council regarding the speed limit on their side of the boundary.
Upper Village Road11Make 20mph along full length. Including side roads of Furzebank & Exchange Road in 20mph zone.
Note: Exchange Road is Private so can't impose a 20mph limit.
Safety of children walking or cycling to St Michael's. Safety of pedestrians due to narrow footpaths & footpath only on one side for part length of the road. Cars parked on pavement force pedestrians into the road. Road has sharp bends with poor street lighting.
Lower Village Road9Make 20mph from Upper Village Road to just beyond Truss Hill Road before Woodend Drive. Include side road of Quince Close, Village Mews & Farm Close in 20mph zone.Safety of Children walking or cycling to St Michael's.
Narrow road with no footpaths over much of length of road; poor street lighting, parked cars in road.
Brockenhurst Road, South Ascot20

Extend current 20mph speed limit to just before Coronation Road to just north of rail bridge on Station Hill (where South Ascot sign is) then reduce from 40pm to 30mph to junction with Devenish RoadTo take account of South Ascot Recreation Ground, the busy junctions with Lyndhurst Road & Oliver Road, where there are pedestrians crossing to the station, church, school, residential streets.
Coronation Road8

30mph from junction with Brockenhurst Road to Fir Tree Close, which is our boundary, with a 20mph zone at school start & finish times.Narrow pavement on one side near to St Francis Primary School, parked cars on street at school start & finish times. Safety of children walking or cycling to St Francis Primary School. Safety of pedestrians going to St Francis Church.
Truss Hill Road4Make 20mph along full length include side road of Cardwell Crescent in 20mph zone.Level section heavily parked with narrow pavement in places. Steep section is narrow and has no footpaths. Safety of cyclists, pedestrians & vulnerable road users.
Devenish Road36

Move start of 30mph to roundabout (Brockenhurst Road/Bagshot Road) and move start of 20mph zone at school start & finish times closer to roundabout.
Discussion with Sunningdale Parish Council regarding the transition from Devenish Road in their Parish.
Pupils walking & cycling to Charters School. Pedestrians crossing to access The Grange Care Home. Narrow pavement on one side.

After receiving comments from the community in both Parishes, the Working Group hopes to create consistency so that there will be continuity in speed limits on roads which cross from Parish to Parish, notably, Devenish Road and Kings Road/Rise Road.

We are now asking for final comments before submission of the final proposal to RBWM, the Highways Authority.

To view the proposal from Sunningdale Parish Council click here.