Minutes of a meeting of Sunninghill & Ascot Parish Council held at the Ascot Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill, Ascot on Tuesday 30 October 2012 at 7.00pm.
Members Present: Councillors J Yong (Chairman), B Hilton (Vice-Chairman), P Deason, M Duffield, R Ellison,
S Jones, A Nehra, A Sharpe, B Story, M Turton.
In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council
Councillors David Hilton, Spike Humphrey and Christine Lester.
The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. None were received.
The Minutes of the Council Meeting, held on 18 September 2012, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
The Chairman made an announcement regarding the ‘Shaping the Future Public Consultation’ for Heatherwood Hospital, details of which had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.
The meeting was not adjourned for a maximum of 15 minutes to allow Members of the Public to address the Council about matters of local concern, as no members of the public were present.
The Planning Committee minutes of 2 and 23 October were presented by Councillor B Hilton.
The Leisure & Cultural Committee minutes of 9 October were presented by Councillor R Ellison.
The Finance and Personnel Committee minutes of 9 October were presented by Councillor J Yong.
The Victorian Street Fayre Committee minutes of 3 October were presented by Councillor B Hilton.
5137 FINANCIAL REPORTS (Months 5 and 6) AND DRAFT BUDGET FOR 2013/14
The report on the accounts for August and September 2012 were considered. The Clerk informed the committee that there was a projected overspend on the ‘Victory Field Trees’ cost code due to unplanned emergency tree works adjacent to a residents’ property in Oriental Road, Sunninghill. No other significant matters were arising.
The recommendations from the Leisure Committee for possible projects for inclusion in next year’s budget were discussed. These included the re-building of the Pavilion at Victory Field, an extension of the skate area at Victory Field, a Garden of Remembrance at St Michael’s Church Cemetery, a Summer Party at Victory Field, the refurbishment of the public conveniences in Sunninghill High Street and traffic calming measures along Sunninghill Road. The committee were asked to give thought to any other projects they wished to see included in next year’s budget. The Chairman expressed a desire to allocate reserves for specific projects and to achieve a balanced budget so that income received matched planned expenditure. He considered the proposed Victory Field Pavilion project to be so significant as to justify a meeting dedicated solely to its consideration. It was agreed that the next scheduled meeting of the Leisure and Cultural Committee, to be held on 20 November, be opened up to all Parish Councillors for this purpose. The Finance and Personnel Committee had drafted an initial budget for consideration at the next Council meeting, to be held on 4 December, where the precept for next year would be considered.
The Chairman asked for members comments regarding the Borough’s draft legal delegation agreement as to planning functions and the devolution of contributions made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990; both of which had been previously circulated. The draft Planning Agreement was discussed first and Councillor Peter Deason raised concerns about the potential increase in administrative costs, the risk of liability for appeal costs, the scope of applications to be delegated to the Parish Council and the changes to the current committee structure and timescales involved. Councillor Robert Ellison stated that he would like to undergo the training being offered by the Borough before entering into an agreement, a view shared by Councillor Margaret Duffield. Councillor Allison Sharpe stated that the committee needed to be mindful of the volume of applications and implications for future Planning Committees. The Chairman informed the committee that a meeting was being arranged with the Borough’s Head of Planning and Property Service, Simon Hurrell, and that he would raise these concerns on behalf of members. The Clerk stated that she had contacted the Parish Council insurer’s regarding indemnity for appeal costs. The Council would be covered if shown to have carried out due process regarding determinations.
Concerns were also raised regarding the devolution of Section 106 contributions. Councillor Peter Deason identified the accounting and monitoring procedures as a possible administrative cost. Councillor Ajay Nehra expressed doubt as to the benefit for the Parish Council in taking on these procedures and asked if there was a way in which the Parish Council could seek to work closer with the Borough in identifying potential Section 106 projects without the devolution agreement. Councillor Barbara Story identified arts projects as one area in which a greater Parish involvement could be useful. Councillor Deason asked for clarity as to what percentage of existing contributions were received and spent within the Parish. The Chairman concurred with these opinions and it was agreed that closer working with the Borough be sought, but that the Parish Council would not enter into the draft legal agreement as offered by the Borough.
The meeting was suspended for the process of considering the co-option of James Naylor onto the Parish Council. This had arisen from the resignation of Councillor Daniel Whittall. Mr. Naylor was welcomed by the Chairman to the meeting and his application was considered. It was agreed by majority vote that Mr. Naylor be co-opted, subject to the acceptance of office.
The meeting was re-adjourned and an application from the Windsor and District Chamber of Commerce for a £1 000 contribution toward Christmas Lights in Ascot and Sunninghill was considered. The Parish Council had previously given £500 a year, but no application had been received in 2011.After discussion, it was agreed that a donation of £600 be made, subject to £200 being separately allocated to Ascot, Sunninghill and South Ascot.
Councillor Barbara Hilton handed out a rota sheet for completion by Parish Councillors for their help with the stalls which were to be run by the Parish Council at the Street Fayre. The Clerk agreed to contact those members not present at the meeting and Councillor Hilton agreed to contact the Borough Councillors, for their involvement on the rota.
The Clerk reported on three Borough consultations, regarding the Strategy for Traveller Sites, the draft Gambling Policy and Street Licensing Policy Review. She asked any member who wished to have a copy of these consultations, previously sent to the Chairman, to contact her. Councillor Peter Deason asked for a copy of the Street Licensing consultation and informed members that a possible consultation regarding the Borough Local Plan Site Allocation should be discussed by the Council. A briefing note from the Borough’s legal department regarding the need to publish member’s disclosable pecuniary interests on the Parish web site was also discussed and the Clerk was asked to obtain clarity regarding this matter.
Councillor Allison Sharpe asked the Clerk to inform the Borough of dangerous pavements and road surfaces at the entrance to the Queen’s Road car park, outside the Pet Shop and on Highclere Avenue, in Sunninghill.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm.
Councillor Jeffrey Yong, Chairman