Planning Minutes – Tuesday 30th April 2013

Planning Minutes – Tuesday 30th April 2013

 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Ascot Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill, on
Tuesday 30 April 2013 commencing at 7.00pm.

Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), P Deason, R Ellison, D Hilton, B Story.

In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council, Peter Standley (SPAE) and
Lise Andreassen, Voluntary Bio-Diversity Officer.

Councillors M Duffield, C Lester, J Naylor and J Yong

The minutes of the meeting, held on 30 April 2013, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.

The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. Councillor David Hilton stated that as a substitute on the Windsor Rural Development Control Panel any views given on applications are on the basis of information available to date and he would review the position when all information was available at the meeting when the decision is made.


Application No.
Location and Description
13/00720 (Full) North Cottage, Titness Park, London Road, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 0PS
Demolition of side extension and erection of part two storey part single storey side and rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections, subject to Green Belt Requirements being met.
13/00818 (Full) Hurstleigh, Coronation Road, Ascot
Detached garage
Recommendation: No Objections, subject to there being no adverse impact on the adjacent tree roots.  The committee requested that the application be referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer as the proposed garage was under the tree canopy.
13/00853 (Full) Land to the Rear of and up to Carbery Lane at 19 London Road, Ascot

Erection of a replacement garage

Recommendation: No Objections provided the Borough’s Planning Officer was satisfied with the application.

13/00873 (Listed Building Consent) Silwood Park, Buckhurst Road, Ascot, SL5 7PY
Repairs to a ha ha wall
Recommendation: No Objections.
13/00899 (Variation) 1-6 Beechcroft Close, Ascot
Construction of 23 dwellings with access road and landscaping following demolition of the existing 6 houses as approved under permission 12/00808 and 13/00550 to replace the design drawings of plots 1 and 14-17
Recommendation: Objections.  The committee considered there to be insufficient information regarding the proposed levels and plot details for the application to be judged as a whole.  In addition, the committee considered the proposal to be out of keeping with the street scene and contrary to DG1, with Plot 1 being dominant due to it’s proximity to the road.  The reduction in parking, from double to single  garage was also raised as an objection, particularly as Plot 1 would become a 4 bedroom property with insufficient parking spaces.
Concern was raised about the development’s advertising boarding which reflected light off  its shiny surface on to passing vehicles  Councillor David Hilton informed the committee that he would call the application in front of the Development Control Panel.
13/00909 (Full) 4 Onslow Drive, Ascot, SL5 7UL
Single storey rear extension with first floor extension over existing garage.  Alterations to front porch and façade of house
Recommendation: Objections due to the adverse impact on the neighbourhood amenity of Shepherds House.  The committee considered that the application did not met DG1 guidelines and requested that a single family occupancy condition be imposed on the property, should the Borough be minded to approve the application.
13/00921 (Certificate of Lawfulness) 49 Victoria Road, Ascot, SL5 9DE

Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether a proposed loft conversion with era dormer is lawful

No Recommendation Required.

13/00930 (Demolition) Ascot Holder, Station Bridge Road, Ascot, SL5 9NL
Demolition of the gasholder and associated buildings
Recommendation: Objections.  The committee requested that a demolition method statement be obtained prior to the Borough’s determination.  This statement should address highway safety issues regarding the egress from Bridge Road onto Sunninghill High Street.  Concern was also expressed over the proposed hours of working and the impact on residents, with the lack of a neighbour notification list on the Public Portal noted.  The committee requested that a further environmental survey be carried out, as well as a tree survey so that the adjacent trees and public green space was protected. The committee called for a Woodland TPO to be granted for the adjacent trees accordingly.  The potential loss of one house was considered to be contrary to policy H7. 
13/00949 (Full) Land at Grangewood and Maple House, Larch Avenue, Ascot
Construction of a detached house with roof accommodation, and an attached double garage with accommodation above, and new access onto Heathfield Avenue
Recommendation: Objections on the grounds of tree loss as the tree re-planting area appeared to have been moved offsite, following a boundary alteration.
13/00974 (Full) Hunters Lodge and 1 and 2 Ascot Lodge, London Road, Ascot
Redevelopment to provide 8 houses following demolition of existing dwellings
Recommendation: No Objections.  The committee noted the developers attempts to address the Borough’s Planning Officers concerns.
13/00980 (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development) 7 Oaklands Close, Ascot, SL5 7NG
Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed single storey rear extension is lawful
No Parish Recommendation Required.
13/00984 (Full)


Vine Cottage, 11 Cheapside Road, Ascot SL5 7QR
Erection of a replacement dwelling
Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered the proposal to be contrary to the NPPF’s design guidelines. The design of the refused property was felt to be superior to this application,  The committee requested a bio-diversity survey be carried out in accordance with the Borough’s guidelines.
13/01003 (Full) Former Windrush, Hancocks Mount, Ascot
Construction of a detached dwelling with integral double garage with accommodation over, and additional access and entrance gates, following demolition of existing
Recommendation: No Objections to the dwelling itself, however, objections were raised to the loss of trees.  The committee requested that the application be referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer as the driveway would cover more than 20% of the root protection zone of the adjacent trees. 
13/01027 (Full) Dial House, Kings Road, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 OAG
Construction of two detached houses and garages with access drive and gates following demolition of existing dwelling
Recommendation: Objections on the same grounds as for the previous application 13/00300.  
The committee considered the proposal to be harmful to the street scene, creating a terracing effect with the loss of trees adversely affecting the screening.  The committee requested that the application be referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer and that a bat survey be carried out.
13/01046 (Full) Pippins, St Johns Road, Ascot, SL5 7NH
Two storey side extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
13/01051 (Full) 26 Carroll Crescent, Ascot, SL5 9EH
Single storey rear orangery
Recommendation: No Objections.
13/01078 (Full) 39 Kings Road, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 9AD
Single storey side extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
13/01081 (Full) 32 Llanvair Drive Ascot SL5 9HT

Two storey side and single storey rear and side extension. Raising of main roof to provide loft accommodation with front and rear dormers and an open front porch Recommendation: No Objections.  The committee requested that a bat survey be carried out as the roof was to be raised. 


12/02681              The White Cottage, Buckhurst Road, Ascot, SL5 7QE
A single storey side extension
The appeal was dismissed

12/03471              Four Seasons, Bagshot Road, Ascot, SL5 9JL
Construction of a five dwelling apartment building with associated garaging parking amenities following demolition of existing dwelling

The appeal would be decided on the basis of a Hearing.  Comments to the Planning Inspectorate by 28 May.


No matters were received.



Week ending 5 April

Application Number: 13/00219

Type: Certificate of Lawful Use

Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether the existing use of the Annex as a separate

residential dwelling is lawful

Location: Annex 1 Blacknest Gate Road Sunninghill Ascot SL5 0PT

Decision: Application Withdrawn

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 13/00272

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey part single storey rear extension and a single detached garage

Location: 97 New Road Ascot SL5 8PZ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00324

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of a 4 bedroom detached house with garage and associated parking

Location: Land Adj Coach House Wells Lane Ascot SL5 7DY

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 13/00339

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey front extension and front entrance portico with balcony over. Two storey side

extension and front bay window, following demolition of existing attached garage and first floor

annexe. Single storey rear extension with balcony over. Loft conversion with front and rear

dormers, including raising the height of the main roof. Front entrance gates and enlarged

crossover. Detached garage with storage space on first floor.

Location: Waterside 4 Kier Park Ascot SL5 7DS

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00500

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey rear extension

Location: 55 Carroll Crescent Ascot SL5 9EJ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00511

Type: Full

Proposal: Erection of a detached garage and conversion of existing garage

Location: 53 Hurstwood Ascot SL5 9SP

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00512

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 3 (access and driveway arrangement) and 10 (construction

management plan) of planning permission 12/01233 Construction of 2 detached houses

following demolition of existing bungalow

Location: Cedar Lodge Bagshot Road Ascot SL5 9JL

Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 13/00523

Type: Full

Proposal: Two storey side extension. Single storey rear and side extensions. Front porch.

Location: 27 Woodlands Ride Ascot SL5 9HP

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00683

Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev

Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether the proposed conversion of part of the garage

and a single storey rear extension is lawful

Location: 10 Cavendish Meads Ascot SL5 9TD

Decision: Permitted Development

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 13/00783

Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev

Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed single storey rear extension is lawful

Location: 39 Kings Road Sunninghill Ascot SL5 9AD

Decision Type: Delegated

Decision: Application Withdrawn

No Parish Recommendation Required


Week ending 12 April


Application Number: 13/00401

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of an extension to form an additional classroom. New door and window to existing


Location: South Ascot Village School All Souls Road Ascot SL5 9EA

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00468

Type: Full

Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey element. Construction of a new single storey rear extension

Location: Woodcote Cottage 3 Woodcote Place Ascot SL5 7JT

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00530

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey rear extension and front porch. Partial eastern 1.8m boundary garden wall

Location: Halstead House Upper Village Road Ascot SL5 7AG

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00552

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory

Location: 7 Queens Road Ascot SL5 9AF

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00594

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of a replacement dwelling

Location: Bellocchio House 5 Regents Walk Ascot SL5 9JQ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00611

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey rear extension

Location: 3 Kingswick Drive Ascot SL5 7BQ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00658

Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO

Proposal: T1 Willow (to the rear of Robins Wood), fell.

Location: Land South of Nursery Lane Kennel Wood Ascot

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer


Application Number: 13/00722

Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev

Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether a proposed conservatory is lawful

Location: Land At South Court London Road Ascot

Decision: Application Permitted

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 13/00745

Type: Non-material Amendment

Proposal: Non material amendment to planning permission 11/00996/FULL to allow amendments to the

south and west elevations, with a new west window and a garden door elevation. The removal

of a chimney on the west elevation is also shown as an amendment

Location: Garden Cottage London Road Ascot SL5 7EG

Decision: Application Permitted

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 13/00921

Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev

Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether a proposed loft conversion with rear dormer is


Location: 49 Victoria Road Ascot SL5 9DE

Decision: Refuse

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 13/00972

Type: Non-material Amendment

Proposal: Non material amendment to planning permission 12/01269/FULL to allow the squaring of the

tapered walls towards the rear and a continuation of the roof slope across the extension

Location: Pippins St Johns Road Ascot SL5 7NH

Decision: Refuse

No Parish Recommendation Required


Application Number: 13/00980

Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev

Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed single storey rear extension is lawful

Location: 7 Oaklands Close Ascot SL5 7NG

Decision: Permitted Development

No Parish Recommendation Required


Week ending 19 April


Application Number: 13/00218

Type: Full

Proposal: Detached double garage with 2 rear storerooms (retrospective)

Location: Pembroke Manor Queens Hill Rise Ascot SL5 7DP

Decision: Refuse

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 13/00412

Type: Full

Proposal: Retain existing townhouse and alter, extend part of roof and convert the remaining office

accommodation into 3 townhouses

Location: 9 And Industrial Unit At 8 Heath Villas Queens Place Ascot SL5 7JD

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: No Objections

Application Number: 13/00457

Type: Full

Proposal: Single storey, part first floor rear extension. Front porch and canopy.

Location: 3 Elizabeth Gardens Ascot SL5 9BJ

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation Required: No Objections


Application Number: 13/00478

Type: Full

Proposal: Construction of a detached house and detached double garage, including front entrance gates.

Location: Land At Whitefriars Friary Road Ascot

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 13/00489

Type: Full

Proposal: Amendment to approval 12/01984 (Construction of one detached house with integral garage

and a pair of semi-detached dwellings with associated off road parking, access and landscaping

following demolition of existing dwellings) alterations to include changes to ground floor layouts,

replacing the conservatories with orangeries, and providing loft accommodation to Plots 2 and 3.

Location: 22 – 24 Cromwell Road Ascot

Decision: Application Permitted

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 13/00539

Type: Outline

Proposal: Outline application (with appearance and landscaping reserved) for the construction of 2

detached dwellings

Location: Land At Queens Beeches House London Road Ascot

Decision: Application Withdrawn

Parish Recommendation: Objections


Application Number: 13/00740

Type: Discharge of Condition

Proposal: Details required by condition 19 (Refuse and recycling) of planning permission 11/01432

subsequently varied by planning permission 12/01265 for redevelopment of site to provide 14

dwellings, formation of vehicle access points and associated works.

Location: Site of Abbas Warehouse New Road Ascot And Gibbs House 68 Kennel Ride Kennel Ride Ascot

Decision: Refuse

No Parish Recommendation Required


No matters were received.



The Chairman informed the committee of Sunningdale Parish Council’s Annual Parish Meeting, to be held on 2 May, and the Society for the Protection of Ascot and the Environs AGM to be held on 23 May.  Councillors Robert Ellison and Barbara Story stated that they would attend the SPAE AGM on behalf of the Parish Council.

The Chairman informed the committee of correspondence received regarding the proposed base station upgrade of an exiting Vodafone installation at Ascot Railway Station.


The Chairman informed the committee of her forthcoming attendance at the Windsor Rural Development Control Panel and her intention to address the Panel on a number of applications, including application 13/00425 regarding Blacknest Park, Whitmore Lane, Sunningdale, in the light of new information. 

Councillor Barbara Story asked about the timescales involved with the emerging Neighbourhood Plan.  Councillor Peter Deason replied and the Chairman explained that a presentation would be bought to the Parish Council in due course.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.00pm



Councillor Barbara Hilton, Chairman

Ecological Notes for Planning Committee Meeting 30/4/13

  1. A.      New Applications

13/00930 – Ascot Holder, Station Bridge Road

It is considered that an insufficient ecological assessment has been undertaken in support of this planning application.

The Phase 1 habitat survey conducted refers to ground works whilst the planning application refers to demolition work. The survey explicitly states it does not cover the demolition of the buildings, for which an additional survey should be undertaken.

The Phase 1 habitat survey (conducted in December 2012) stated the following:

1.‘If the buildings are to be demolished or alterations take place in the future, a full bat and bird survey will be required to be carried out between May-September (bat activity survey season). However, there may be some degree of flexibility, if some of the buildings, through the assessment of a scoping bat/bird survey, judge a building/s to be of low potential for bats and birds, therefore ecological clerk of works (visual inspection of the buildings during demolition) may be appropriate method to safeguard bats and birds and substantiate the absence of bats.’


Thus, this habitat survey recommends that if buildings are to be demolished, there should be:

  • ·        A scoping bat/bird survey undertaken between May and September to assess the potential for birds/bats;
  • ·        If this potential is determined to be low, an ecological clerk of works should oversee the works;
  • ·        If this potential is determined to be high, a full bat and bird survey should be undertaken.

The Environmental Impact Assessment document submitted states ‘Structures will be assessed for the presence of roosting bats or nesting birds prior to any works taking place.’  No evidence for this assessment has been submitted. Such evidence should be submitted prior to the application being determined.


2. ‘It is recommended that a visual inspection of the leaf litter for dead remains of adult Stag Beetles, to indicate if these invertebrates have actually been on the site, is carried out before the works begin and to locate deadwood in the woodland/s areas to prevent disturbance of any larvae that might be inside any decaying wood, so the deadwood can be relocated and/or the ground investigation works can be restricted within these “hotspot areas”.’


Stag beetles are a protected species and there are a number of stag beetle recordings in the area. There is no mention of measures that are actually to be undertaken before works begin in order to check for stag beetle larvae.

3. ‘As a safeguard measure for this habitat and the site, supervision will need to be carried out by a licensed ecologist as the vegetation is cleared. The vegetation should be cleared slowly and in sections to allow the ecologist to finger-tip search the under storey and to inspect any potential refuge piles. During the supervision, should any protected species be recorded, or should any recent/active evidence be discovered, works would have to be postponed in that area, until additional species specific surveys are carried out and if required, mitigation measures have been carried out.’


This again should be highlighted in procedures developed for any site works.

4. The Environmental Impact Assessment document states no evidence for protected species is present. This is misleading as the survey was not taken at an optimal time of year (December) and the ecologists reinforce this by saying further surveys should be undertaken before demolition and during clearance of vegetation to assess for the presence of protected species.

I request that RBWM’s ecological advisor, Jacobs, be asked to provide their assessment of this application.


13/00974 – Hunters Lodge / 1 & 2 Ascot Lodge

It is considered that an insufficient ecological assessment has been undertaken in support of this planning application. Based on RBWM’s guidelines and records of protected species close to the site, a biodiversity survey needs to be completed before this planning application can be determined.

In accordance with RBWM’s pre-application guidelines, a wider biodiversity survey needs to be undertaken for this proposed development as the site is within 200m of a stream.

In addition, a data search provided by Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC) demonstrates that, in addition to bats, the following protected species have been recorded within 200m of the site:

  • ·        Stag beetle
  • ·        Common lizard

I request that RBWM’s ecological advisor, Jacobs, be asked to provide their assessment of this application.


13/00984 Vine Cottage, 11 Cheapside Road

Based on RBWM’s and ALGE’s guidelines and records of protected species close to the site, a biodiversity survey needs to be completed before this planning application can be determined, paying particular attention to hedgehogs, stag beetles and bats.

This site is situated 150m from woodland to the north, and 200m and 250m from streams to the north and south respectively. The existing dwelling is deemed to have been built pre-1960s. In close proximity to the site, a data search from the Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre shows the recorded presence of the following protected species:

          West European Hedgehog (UK BAP species) (within 200m)

          Stag Beetle (protected species) (within 100m)

          Bats (within 500m)

In accordance with RBWM’s pre-application guidelines, a biodiversity survey needs to be undertaken for this proposed development as the site is within 200m of a stream. In addition, protected species have been recorded within close proximity of the site. A biodiversity study is also recommended for this application by the Association of Local Government Ecologists (ALGE) guidelines for validation of planning applications.


13/01027 – Dial House, Kings Road

There is a need to undertake a further bat survey at an appropriate time of year in the form of an emergence and/or re-entry survey.

A walk-over site survey has been conducted and evidence of brown long-eared bats in the roof space was found.  The report states that: ‘The number of droppings recorded would indicate bats (and possibly an individual bat) may use the building on an occasional basis and that it is not an important established roost (such as a maternity roost). However, this would need to be confirmed with further survey work at an appropriate time of year.’

Given the age and location of the property and evidence of use of the site by bats in the initial survey, best practice guidelines recommend that a further bat survey is undertaken at an appropriate time of year in the form of an emergence and/or re-entry survey. This will need to be undertaken before planning permission is given.

Recommendations arising from the initial and further surveys will need to form part of planning conditions for the site should planning permission be granted. The recommendations from the initial report are as follows:

  • ·        ’Install a series of bat boxes on suitable mature trees to be retained and/or bat tubes incorporated into the new build, all of which should be positioned in accordance with best practice;
  • ·        Where new planting is scheduled then species of value to bats should be used;
  • ·        The retention of the established boundary vegetation will maintain any foraging habitat currently utilised by bats;
  • ·        As the site is in an area of low density housing, any new lighting required should be designed to minimise light spillage and pollution and not directed onto any bat boxes/tubes installed;
  • ·        In order to protect the established vegetation to be retained, suitable fencing may be required at certain locations to reduce the possibility of any damage that could be caused during the works. To minimise accidental damage, any overhanging branches should be pruned back to suitable live growth points. All works should be undertaken by a suitably qualified and experienced specialist contractor and should conform to current industry best practice i.e. BS 3998: 1989 ‘Recommendations for Tree Work’.
  • ·        It should be noted that all species of wild bird and their nests are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981, therefore in order to avoid contravention of current legislation any site works likely to affect potential bird nesting habitat should be timed to avoid the main bird nesting season which in general runs from March to August. If this is not possible, a check should be carried out prior to works to ensure there are no active nests present.
  • ·        A series of bird boxes could be installed on some of the established vegetation to be retained or incorporated into the new build to provide enhanced.’