The Courtyard (Ascot Racecourse)
High Street, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7JF
Tel: 01344 630141 Fax: 01344 630139
Minutes of a meeting of Sunninghill & Ascot Parish Council held at the Ascot Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill, Ascot on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 at 6.30pm.
Members Present: Councillors J Yong (Chairman), B Hilton (Vice-Chairman), P Deason, M Duffield, R Ellison, D Hilton,
S Jones, C Lester, S Humphrey, L Roberts, A Sharpe, B Story, M Turton
In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council
Apologies for Absence: Councillors Ajay Nehra and Daniel Whittall
The Clerk asked Jeffrey Yong, as the existing Chairman, to take this item. Councillor Yong asked for nominations for the position of Chairman. Councillor Barbara Hilton nominated Councillor Yong. Councillor Christine Lester seconded this nomination and it was agreed unanimously that Councillor Yong be appointed as Chairman of the Parish Council for the Council year. He declared his acceptance of office.
The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. None were received.
The Minutes of the Council Meeting, held on 27 March 2012, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
The Chairman asked for nominations for the position of Chairman of the Parish Council’s committees. Councillor Christine Lester nominated Councillor Barbara Hilton as the Chairman of the Planning Committee. Councillor Spike Humphrey seconded this nomination and it was agreed unanimously that Councillor B Hilton be appointed as Chairman of the Planning Committee for the Council year. She declared her acceptance of office.
The Chairman then asked for nominations for the position of Chairman of the Leisure and Cultural Committee. Councillor Barbara Hilton nominated Councillor Robert Ellison. Councillor Christine Lester seconded this nomination and it was agreed unanimously that Councillor Robert Ellison be appointed as Chairman of the Leisure and Cultural Committee for the Council year. He declared his acceptance of office
Councillor Yong then explained to the meeting that the Chairman of the Council becomes the Chairman of the Finance and Personnel Committee.
The Chairman asked for nominations for the position of Vice- Chairman of the Parish Council’s committees. Councillor Barbara Hilton nominated Councillor Christine Lester as the Vice- Chairman of the Planning Committee. Councillor Robert Ellison seconded this nomination and it was agreed unanimously that Councillor Lester be appointed as Vice- Chairman of the Planning Committee for the Council year. She declared her acceptance of office.
The Chairman then asked for nominations for the position of Vice- Chairman of the Leisure and Cultural Committee. Councillor Robert Ellison nominated Councillor Allison Sharpe. Councillor David Hilton seconded this nomination and it was agreed unanimously that Councillor Sharpe be appointed as Vice- Chairman of the Leisure and Cultural Committee for the Council year. She declared her acceptance of office.
The Chairman finally asked for nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Council. Councillor Christine Lester nominated Councillor Barbara Hilton. Councillor Robert Ellison seconded this nomination and it was agreed unanimously that Councillor B Hilton be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council for the Council year. She declared her acceptance of office.
The Chairman asked the Councillors to state on which committees they wished to serve. It was agreed that Councillors
B Hilton, P Deason, M Duffield, R Ellison, D Hilton, S Jones, C Lester, B Story, D Whittall and J Yong serve on the Planning Committee. It was further agreed that Councillors R Ellison, P Deason, B Hilton, S Jones, C Lester, A Nehra, L Roberts, A Sharpe, M Turton and J Yong serve on the Leisure and Cultural Committee. The Chairman went on to explain that he and the two Committee Chairman form the Finance and Personnel Committee. The Clerk was asked to confirm this committee membership with the two absent Councillors.
The Standing Orders and Financial Regulations were approved. The reduction in petty cash to £300 and the need to publish expenditure over £500 were the only alterations to the existing Financial Regulations. No amendments were made to the existing Standing Orders.
The schedule of meetings for 2012/13 was approved.
The Chairman announced that the Ascot Volunteer Bureau AGM was to be held on 23 May at 7.30pm at the Ascot Day centre and that a Community Clear-Up had been arranged for Victory Field, on May 16, from 2.00pm – 4.00pm.
The meeting was not adjourned for a maximum of 15 minutes to allow Members of the Public, if present, to address the Council
about matters of local concern, as no members of the public were present.
The Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes of 2 April were presented by Councillor J Yong
The Planning Committee Minutes of 17 April and 8 May were presented by Councillor B Hilton
The Leisure & Cultural Committee Minutes of 24 April were presented by Councillor R Ellison
The Victorian Street Fayre Committee Minutes of 16 April were presented by Councillor B Hilton
a) Financial Statements for the Year ended 31 March 2012.
It was agreed that the Financial Statements be approved and that they be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. Councillor Peter Deason asked for an explanation regarding the discrepancy in the capital expenditure contained within the report on the accounts for March 2012 and the end of year income and expenditure accounts. Councillor David Hilton asked for an explanation as to the required reserve level and suggested a risk assessment be used as the basis for this, as in line with the Borough Council. He stated that he would look into this and the Clerk was asked to raise both these matters with the Parish Council’s accountants.
b) Financial Reports
Approval was given for Month 12 (March 2012) and no significant matters were raised. Councillor David Hilton asked the
Clerk why the projected capital funds had not been spent and she explained that these were for a proposed new grounds man’s
storage unit, which had not been approved.
c) Deposits
Approval was given for the re-investment of the Parish Council’s two mature deposits of £50 000. It was agreed that one sum
of £50 000 be re-invested for one year and that one sum of £50 000 be re-invested for six months, in line with the Council’s
existing investment policy. Consideration was given to the possibility of allocating interest earned on the Council’s deposits
to a specific Victory Field Pavilion refurbishment fund, once the plans for this had been finalised.
The Parish Council’s insurance contract was reviewed and three quotes from Allianz, Aviva and Zurich were considered.
It was agreed that the Parish Council would enter into a three year contract with Came and Company, acting on behalf of Aviva, as this represented best value and customer service for the Parish Council. The Clerk was authorised to action this.
The use of a contractor to undertake grave digging, levelling and re-seeding at the cemetery was discussed at length, due to compliance and efficiency issues, raised by residents. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the Grave Diggers Association, the Borough and local Parish Council’s to ascertain best practice, for further consideration by the Leisure and Cultural Committee.
The Clerk reported on matters raised with the Borough including the Olympic Torch and Section 106 Funding. Councillor David Hilton suggested that the Clerk contact the Borough with regard to plans they may have for the Torch event and stated that he would provide the Clerk with a contact. The Clerk informed the committee that the schools and community groups were aware of the Torch and Route. A co-ordinated approach by the Parish Council was welcomed by the Committee; with the possibility of the Council providing bunting and flags.
Councillor Barbara Story updated the committee with regard to Section 106 proposals, to include highway improvements at the round-about adjacent to Sunninghill Road and public arts and heritage. The Clerk also informed the committee that the Public Open Space projects, including the refurbishment of the Pavilion at Victory Field, had also been submitted. The Councillors were asked to inform the Clerk of any projects they wanted to propose by the end of September. The Chairman thanked Councillor Story for her help.
Approval was gained for the Finance and Personnel Committee to be given delegated authority to action matters arising from the recent residents meeting; as referred to in the Leisure Committee Minutes of 24 April. The Chairman informed the committee that these matters related to measures aimed at reducing anti-social behaviour at the Ground.
Councillor Christine Lester asked the Clerk to contact the Borough with regard to the vegetation on the round-a-bout at Burleigh Road, which was obscuring sight lines.
The Chairman informed the committee of two questions raised by Councillor Daniel Whittall regarding the Correxions Careers Service and over-subscription of the primary schools within the Parish. Councillor David Hilton informed the committee that the Careers Service was now the responsibility of individual schools rather than the Borough and that the Borough only dealt with those not in employment or training, having left school. He also informed the committee that the Borough were aware of the Primary School numbers and that plans had been put in place throughout the Borough regarding this. He would ask the Borough as to what these plans were for the schools within the Parish. The Chairman asked Councillor David Hilton to also seek clarification as to the potential impact on catchment area and selection for schools obtaining Academy Status.
Councillor Luke Roberts raised concerns about the impact of licensing regulations on the Swinley Pub, South Ascot. The Chairman suggested he contact the ward Councillor, Lynda Yong, for clarification on this.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.50pm.
Councillor Jeffrey Yong, Chairman