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Update of Former Sunninghill Gas Works site

We have received the following information from the developers of the former Sunninghill Gas Works.


Update on development of the former Sunninghill Gas Works
NEWSLETTER – Update w/e 11th June 2021.

Dear all,
Last month, I gave a brief overview on the planned site tasks to be carried out over the coming weeks. I would like to take this opportunity to update you further on progress and in particular the remediation stage which is nearing completion.

I am hopeful that the unpleasant smells you have been experiencing will be much improved from close of play Friday 11th June 21, as this stage of the works is 95% completed. We are also working with our specialist remediation sub-contractor to introduce additional measures to control any odours generated by material on the site.

As the majority of area on site have now been cleared we will be importing clean material onto the site from the 14th June 21, so as noted in the last newsletter there will be an increase in lorry movements during the coming months.

Within the next two weeks we are looking to start the onsite sewer diversion, and it is possible that we will find pockets of odorous spoil below the sewer drainage that will need removing and treating.
These will only be small locations and I anticipate the work duration to be a couple of days in total.

Number 29 Bridge Road has been demolished. I can confirm that the dated stone built into the building has been saved and will be sent away for cleaning in readiness for a new home on the development.

Very shortly we will be looking to install pile mats and will be recycling the brick and concrete rubble from the site. Once the pile mats are in place piling, roads and sewers will be underway. The last newsletter stated this was to commence late June/July but this will now be July.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for your continued patience and understanding during our works, which I know in relation to the smells has caused concern to some of the residents.

Please be assured that we do take your concerns and comments seriously and will continue to keep you abreast of the construction activities on the development as we proceed via a newsletter.

If you have any questions or require any additional information please email your suggestions to:

Should you have any more immediate concerns whilst work is being undertaken, please do not hesitate to contact me or the team via our Head Office on 01753 784400.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Simon Batten
Projects Director

Former Sunninghill Gas Works Sitemap