The Courtyard (Ascot Racecourse)
High Street, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7JF
Tel: 01344 630141 Fax: 01344 630139
Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Ascot Day Centre, Bagshot Road, Sunninghill on
Tuesday 8 May 2012 commencing at 7.00pm.
Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), C Lester (Vice-Chairman), P Deason, M Duffield, R Ellison, D Hilton, S Jones,
B Story, D Whittall, J Yong
In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council and Peter Standley (SPAE)
None were given.
The minutes of the meeting, held on 17 April 2012, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct.
Councillor Robert Ellison declared a prejudicial interest regarding application 12/01096 and was therefore not present during the consideration of that application.
Councillor David Hilton stated that as a substitute on the Windsor Rural Development Control Panel any views given on applications are on the basis of information available to date and he would review the position when all the information was available at the meeting when the decision is made.
Application No.
Location and Description
12/00882 (Full)
The Chalet, Ravensdale Road, Ascot, SL5 9HJ
Proposed detached dwelling with integral double garage following demolition of existing dwelling
Recommendation: The committee considered that they were not able to consider the application as the proposed elevations had not been made available and that the external consultation should begin when these additional drawings and related information was available.
12/00934 (Advert)
Land Adjacent to Station Hill And High Street, Ascot
Consent to display 2 non illuminated fence/gate mounted notification signs
Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered the proposed signs to be too large and therefore out of keeping with the street scene. They asked that further information be given before the Borough made a determination, such as the colour of the sign and it’s wording, and that if the Borough were minded to approve, a condition be imposed that limited the duration of the display of the signs, to a couple of days before the event, and that the signs be taken down the day after the event.
12/00965 (Full)
C B S Business Equipment Ltd, CBS Court, 118 Kennel Ride, Ascot SL5 7NP
Change of use of existing offices to provide 8 flats; works to include alterations, partial demolition of single storey extension, two storey extension to southern end and associated landscaping and parking
Recommendation: Objection on the same grounds as for application 11/02422. These being that the proposal was thought to be unneighbourly, cramped and with inadequate parking and limited access for service vehicles. The general servicing of the building raised concerns. The committee went on to request a condition ensuring that the external lighting faced inwards should the Borough be minded to approve the application and that the visibility splays and road safety issues be referred to the Borough’s Highways Officer.
12/00978 (Full)
St Francis of Assisi RC Church, Coronation Road, Ascot SL5 9HG
Extension of car park area and alterations to access from Coronation Road to include boundary wall and railings
Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered that the change of access did not meet the Borough’s requirements for visibility splays and that the Highway Officers report should therefore be supported.
12/00979 (Full)
St Francis of Assisi RC Church, Coronation Road, Ascot SL5 9HG
Formation of additional parking bays on Friary Road
Recommendation: Withdrawn.
12/00998 (Full)
26 Agincourt, Ascot, SL5 7SJ
Rear Conservatory
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01018 (Full)
White Cottage, 5 Truss Hill Road, Ascot, SL5 9AL
Two storey rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01038 (Full)
8 Oaklands Drive, Ascot, SL5 7NE
Proposed single storey front extension and porch. Two storey side extension. Ground and first floor rear extensions
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01040 (Works To Trees Covered by TPO)
1A Llanvair Drive Ascot SL5 9HS
Fell 7 Conifers and 1 Silver Birch
Recommendation: Objections. The committee requested that the Borough’s Tree Officer’s report be accepted.
12/01045 (Full)
Swinley, Coronation Road, Ascot, SL5 9LG
Two storey front extension to include the addition of two velux windows and the construction of a basement below the garage amendment to planning permission 11/03327
Recommendation: No Objections.
Demolition(outside Conservation Area)
1 – 6 Beechcroft Close, Ascot
Demolition of six detached dwellings and associated outbuildings
Recommendation: The committee raised concerns about the stability of the adjacent boundary onto the London Road should the demolition commence. They requested that the Borough’s Highway Officer considered this concern and that Section 106 funding be sought to ensure the safety and structural stability of the boundary. The committee requested that no demolition commenced before the end of the nesting season and that a wildlife survey was conducted prior to the Borough’s consideration of the application. A management plan for the demolition was also requested prior to approval.
12/01063 (Full)
10 Highgrove Avenue, Ascot, SL5 7HR
First floor side extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01070 (Full)
Heathwood, Windsor Road, Ascot, SL5 7LQ
Construction of an ornamental colonnade
Recommendation: No Objections although the committee requested that if the Borough were minded to approve the application, a condition was imposed that ensured that there was no damage to the hedge at the rear of the property.
12/01096 (Full)
Land rear of 48 High Street, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 9NF
Single storey side extension to shop
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01118 (Full)
Betula, St Marys Road, Ascot, SL5 9AX
Construction of a detached house and garage following demolition of existing
Recommendation: No Objections.
12/01133 (Works to Trees Covered by TPO)
24 Lower Village Road, Ascot, SL5 7AU
T1 Oak, crown reduce by 20% crown clean and lift over roof
Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer.
12/01160 (Full)
19 Norton Park, Ascot, SL5 9BW
Alterations and extensions to include alterations to and raising of part of main roof, open front porch and single storey rear extension
Recommendation: The committee identified discrepancies in the drawings submitted within the application, regarding that approved in application 09/00271 and that shown in application 12/01160. Therefore they were not able to consider the application. The committee requested that the external consultation should begin once these discrepancies had been clarified. Councillor David Hilton stated that he would raise this matter with the Borough.
12/01161 (Full)
8 Ancaster Drive, Ascot, SL5 8TR
Single storey rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
11/01807 West Burnside and Burnside, Burleigh Road, Ascot
Construction of seven detached dwellings and a new access road
The appeal will be decided on the basis of a Hearing.
The Chairman informed the committee that she would be writing a letter of objection to the Planning Inspector on behalf of the Parish Council.
No matters were received.
Week ending 13 April
Application Number: 12/00370
Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether a proposed single storey rear extension is lawful
Location: The Retreat Monks Drive Ascot SL5 9BB
Decision: Permitted Development
No Parish Recommendation Required
Application Number: 12/00390
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of two detached dwellings with garages and access from Friary Road and Monks
Walk following demolition of existing dwelling
Location: Byways Friary Road Ascot SL5 9HD
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00412
Type: Full
Proposal: Erection of two pairs of semi-detached dwellings with associated off road parking, access and
landscaping following demolition of existing pair of attached dwellings.
Location: 22 – 24 Cromwell Road Ascot
Decision: Refuse
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00536
Type: Full
Proposal: Two storey rear extension
Location: 16 Victoria Road Ascot SL5 9DA
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00625
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of a detached single storey annexe. Amendment to 11/01340 to extend the
annexe and a green Sedum roof.
Location: Evergreens The Avenue Ascot SL5 7LY
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00956
Type: Discharge of Condition
Proposal: Details required by condition 2 (materials) of planning permission 12/00279 for the construction
of a replacement house
Location: Friary Cottage Friary Road Ascot SL5 9HD
Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition
Week ending 20 April
Application Number: 12/00599
Type: Certificate of Lawfulness of Development
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether an existing conservatory is lawful
Location: 6 Charters Cottages Charters Lane Ascot SL5 9NU
Decision: Permitted Development
No Parish Recommendation Required.
Application Number: 12/00618
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of a replacement detached house and garage (with ancillary accommodation in
garage roofspace) with new access and gates.
Location: 7 Regents Walk Ascot SL5 9JQ
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00636
Type: Full
Proposal: Two storey, part single storey side and single storey rear extensions. Replacement front
Location: Lorien 14 Vernon Drive Ascot SL5 8TW
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00653
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: Fell 1 Beech tree to ground level.
Location: 2 Stonehill Gate Hancocks Mount Ascot SL5 9WA
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Week ending 27 April
Application Number: 11/00996
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of a detached dwelling
Location: Land At South Court London Road Ascot
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 12/00486
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: To reduce the overhang of a Hornbeam by approximately 10%. To reduce one low large south
facing limb of an Oak tree by approximately 3 metres. To lift a large Cedar in the back garden
removing 7 lowest limbs.
Location: Cedar House Coombe Lane Ascot SL5 7AT
Decision: Partial Refusal/Partial Approval
Parish Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Application Number: 12/00515
Type: Full
Proposal: Refurbishment and ground and first floor extensions to provide new kitchen and dining facilities.
Refurbishment and two storey, part single storey extension to former concert hall to form a two
storey library and new terrace. Temporary kitchen/dining and classroom facilities whilst works
are completed.
Location: St Marys School St Marys Road Ascot SL5 9JF
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00533
Type: Variation
Proposal: To either discharge the planning obligation made in 1986 for the whole site outlined in blue on
the accompanying map or a modification to release the part of the site outlined in red on the
accompanying map in connection with planning permission 11/03164 (to erect four detached 4
bed houses with garages, access drives and associated works)
Location: The Bothy And Land Adjacent To The Bothy And Woolaway Cottage Wells Lane Ascot
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 12/00615
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of a detached dwelling with integral double garage with accommodation above,
including sliding entrance gate, following demolition of existing. Amendment to approval
11/00164 to add an air conditioning unit the garage with a 1.8m acoustic screen.
Location: Skogs Lunden St Marys Road Ascot
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00709
Type: Full
Proposal: Raising of the detached garage roof with insertion of two front dormers and an external stair to
facilitate habitable accommodation
Location: Grafing Queens Hill Rise Ascot SL5 7DP
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00728
Type: Full
Proposal: Construction of a replacement house
Location: 21 Sutherland Chase Ascot SL5 8TE
Decision: Application Permitted CZP
Parish Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 12/00912
Type: Discharge of Condition
Proposal: Details required by Condition 3 (tree protection) and Condition 4 (sustainability) of planning
permission 11/00348 for the erection of a 5-bedroom detached house with triple garage
Location: Manor Steps London Road Ascot SL5 7EG
Decision: Approve Discharge of Condition
12/00705 (NMA) 24 Lower Village Road, Ascot SL5 7AU
Lower ground and ground floor rear extension
12/00879 (NMA) 6 Lower Village Road, Ascot SL5 7AU
Construction of new single storey side extension with extended loft accommodation above following demolition of existing garage
12/01080 Discharge of Condition Westbrook House Windsor Road Ascot SL5 7LF
Details required by condition 3 (materials) 4 (samples) 5 (slab levels) 6 (boundary
treatment) 7a (Code for Sustainable Homes Registration) 7b (Sustainable Homes
Certificate) 8 (Sustainability Measures) 9 (Ageing Population Report) 12 (Composting
Facilities) 13 (Site Waste Management Plan) 15 (Site Accommodation Works) 19
(Refuse and Recycling Store) 20 (Tree Protection) 21 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) 22
(Landscape Management Plan) and 25 (Privacy Screening) of planning permission
12/00115 for construction of a block of 14 apartments with basement parking following
demolition of existing dwelling
The Chairman informed the committee of SPAE’s AGM on Thursday 24 May, at 7.30pm, at Ascot Racecourse.
Peter Standley asked for clarification regarding the parking arrangements at Queens Road Car Park in Sunninghill.
Councillor David Hilton raised a matter regarding residents parking in Queens Road, Sunninghill.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.10pm.
Councillor Barbara Hilton, Chairman