Thank you to our Volunteers
The Ascot and Sunninghill Litter Squad have been out in force in our Parish over the last month. We have new recruits, families and several children taking joining us as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award. Volunteers have been getting in amongst the leaves to dig out cans and bottles, sweeping broken glass from pavements and they’ve been in to the woods to clear environmentally damaging dumped paint pots and waste. Volunteers at our Xmas pick were treated to tea and coffee by the Duke Pub in Sunninghill.
We are aware of an increase in dumped nitrous oxide canisters causing a mess in various places around our Parish. In addition to the risks associated with use of this drug, littering is simply unacceptable and it is also extremely wasteful. These canisters, like much of the litter we find, can be recycled ad infinitum. The Litter Squad collects these canisters on all our picks and we send these to a scrap metal dealer locally, we are saving up to buy a trolley to aid us in our picks. If you find used nitrous oxide canisters you can report the litter to RBWM here or you can flag them to the Litter Squad via our Facebook Group and we will collect them.
Sunninghill and Ascot Parish Council would like to say a big thank you to all our volunteers for their great efforts in keeping the Parish tidy this year. There is no doubt the Parish is a cleaner place to live thanks to your selfless efforts.
If you’d like to be part of our volunteering efforts please contact the Clerk
Information on the risks of nitrous oxide use can be found here